Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/97

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THIR'1`Y~FOUR'l.`H CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 128. 1856. 77 For payment for improvements on lands ceded by the_ first article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and Htty-six, per fifteenth article of said treaty, five thousand dollars. For purchase of stock and necessaries, and to settle their aiiairs, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in conformity with the amendment of the Senate to the second article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and Gfty-six, eighteen thousand dollars. For the expenses of the survey and allotment of lands, per third article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seventeen hundred dollars; and the sum of two thousand dollars now in the treasury, appropriated by the act of third March, eighteen hundred and forty- nine, as the first instalment to " sachems and chiefs," per amendment of the Senate to the treaty of twenty-fourth November, eighteen hundred Vol. ix. p. 055. and forty-eight, and now relinquished by the first article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, shall also be applied for the expenses of said survey and allotment. For expenses of the examination and adjustment, by direction of the Secretary of the Interior, of lots allotted to the Stockbridges, under the 1843,ch. 101. act of third l\Iarch, eighteen hundred and forty-three, per thirteenth VOL "·¥’· article of the treaty of fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seven hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That no part of the appropriations for the Stockbridges and Munsees shall be expended until the assent of said Indians to the Senate amendments to said treaty shall first be obtained. Treaty of Fort Laramie.——For sixth of ten instalments, in provisions Treaty of Fort and merchandise, for payment of annuities and transportation of the L"“`“"’l°· same to certain tribes of Indians, per seventh article treaty seventeenth Post, p. 749- September, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and Senate’s amendment thereto, seventy thousand dollars. [Dnpquas (Cow Creek Ba12d.)—-For third of twenty instalments in blank- Umpquas (Cow cts, clothing, provisions, and stock, per third article treaty nineteenth Gggjkg P_ ,02, September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, Eve hundred and nity` dollars. Fulfilling the articles of twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, with the Uinpquas and Oalapooias, of Umpqua Valley, Oregon.-For second Elmpquas and of five instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, to be expended as gxizfgajblegl directed by the President, per third article treaty twenty-ninth November, VOL x_ p_ M25_ eighteen hundred and fifty-tour, three thousand dollars. For second of ten instalments for the pay of a blacksmith and furnishing shop, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars. For second of fifteen instalments for the pay of a physician and purchase of medicines, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand dollars. For second of ten instalments for the pay of a farmer, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For second of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven hundred dollars. Fulfilling the articles negotiated tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, with certain bands of Oulapooias, dfolala, and Clackamas Indians, of Willamette Valley.- C¤l=n>9<>i¤S,&<=· For second of five instalments of annuity for beneficial objects, per second $£u8ylumm°tt° article treaty tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, ten thousand v01_`,;, P, 1143, dollars. For second of five instalments for pay of physician, teacher, black-