Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/275

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PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2681-246 Self-Determination Act of 1975, as amended, and 25 U.S.C. 2008, not to exceed $42,160,000 within and only from such amounts made available for school operations shall be available to tribes and tribal organizations for administrative cost grants associated with the operation of Bureau-funded schools: Provided further, That 25 USC 450j hereafter funds made available to tribes and tribal organizations i^ote. through contracts, compact agreements, or grants, as authorized by the Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975 or grants authorized by the Indian Education Amendments of 1988 (25 U.S.C. 2001 and 2008A) shall remain available until expended by the contractor or grantee: Provided further, That hereafter, to provide funding uniformity within a Self-Governance Compact, any funds provided in this Act with availability for more than two years may be reprogrammed to two year availability but shall remain available within the Compact until expended: Provided further. That here- 25 USC l3d-3. after notwithstanding any other provision of law, Indian tribal governments may, by appropriate changes in eligibility criteria or by other means, change eligibility for general assistance or change the amount of general assist8ince payments for individusJs within the service area of such tribe who are otherwise deemed eligible for general assistance payments so long as such changes are applied in a consistent manner to individuals similarly situated and, that any savings realized by such changes shall be available for use in meeting other priorities of the tribes and, that any net increase in costs to the Federal Government which result solely from tribally increased payment levels for general assistance shall be met exclusively from funds available to the tribe from within its tribal priority allocation: Provided further. That any forestry funds allocated to a tribe which remain unobligated as of September 30, 2000, may be transferred during fiscal year 2001 to an Indian forest land assistance account established for the benefit of such tribe within the tribe's trust fund account: Provided further, That any such unobligated balances not so transferred shall expire on September 30, 2001: Provided further, That hereafter tribes may 25 USC 2005 use tribal priority allocations funds for the replacement and repair note. of school lacilities in compliance with 25 U.S.C. 2005(a), so long as such replacement or repair is approved by the Secretary and completed with non-Federal tribal and/or tribal priority allocation funds: Provided further. That the sixth proviso under Operation of Indian Programs in Public Law 102-154, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992 (105 Stat. 1004), is hereby amended to read as follows: ^'Provided further, That until such time as legislation is enacted to the contrary, no funds shall be used to take land into trust within the boundaries of the original Cherokee territory in Oklahoma without consultation with the Cherokee Nation:". CONSTRUCTION For construction, repair, improvement, and maintenance of irrigation and power systems, buildings, utilities, and other facilities, including architectural and engineering services by contract; acquisition of lands, and interests in lands; and preparation of lands for farming, and for construction of the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project pursuant to Public Law 87-483, $123,421,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That such amounts as may be available for the construction of the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project may be transferred to the Bureau of Reclamation: Provided