Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/423

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PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2681-394 "(I) coordinated with other State and local level funds and used effectively to improve instructional practices for reading; and "(11) based on scientifically based reading research. "(ii) How the activities assisted under this part will address the needs of teachers and other instructional staff, and will effectively teach students to read, in schools receiving assistance under section 2255 and 2256. "(iii) The extent to which the activities will prepare teachers in all the major components of reading instruction (including phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension). "(iv) How the State educational agency will use technology to enhance reading and literacy professional development activities for teachers, as appropriate. "(v) How parents can participate in literacy-related activities assisted under this part to enhance their children's reading. "(vi) How subgrants made by the State educational agency under sections 2255 and 2256 will meet the requirements of this part, including how the State educational agency will ensure that subgrantees will use practices based on scientifically based reading research. "(vii) How the State educational agency will, to the extent practicable, make grants to subgrantees in both rural and urban areas. "(viii) The process that the State used to establish the reading and literacy partnership described in subsection (d). "(C) An assurance that each local educational agency to which the State educational agency makes a subgrant— "(i) will provide professional development for the classroom teacher and other appropriate instructional staff on the teaching of reading based on scientifically based reading research; "(ii) will provide family literacy services based on programs such as the Even Start family literacy model authorized under part B of title I, to enable parents to be their child's first and most important teacher; "(iii) will carry out programs to assist those kindergarten students who are not ready for the transition to first grade, particularly students experiencing dif- ficulty with reading skills; and "(iv) will use supervised individuals (including tutors), who have been appropriately trained using scientifically based reading research, to provide additional support, before school, after school, on weekends, during noninstructional periods of the school day, or during the summer, for children preparing to enter kindergarten and students in kindergarten through grade 3 who are experiencing difficulty reading. "(D) An assurance that instruction in reading will be provided to children with reading difficulties who—