Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/781

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PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2681-752 Sec. 112. Purpose. Sec. 113. Program authorization. Sec. 114. Grant application. Sec. 115. Uses of funds. Sec. 116. Evaluation and recommendation report to Congress. Sec. 117. Definitions. Sec. 118. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle C—Drug-Free Schools Quality Assurance. Sec. 121. Short title. Sec. 122. Amendment to Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. TITLE II—STATEMENT OF NATIONAL ANTIDRUG POLICY Subtitle A—Congressional Leadership in Community Coalitions Sec. 201. Sense of Congress. Subtitle B—Rejection of Legalization of Drugs Sec. 211. Sense of Congress. Subtitle C—Report on Streamlining Federal Prevention and Treatment Efforts Sec. 221. Report on streamlining Federal prevention and treatment efforts. TITLE I—TARGETED SUBSTANCE AlBUSE PREVENTION Drug Free Media AND TREATMENT PROCrRAMS Campaign Act of 1998. Subtitle A—National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. 21 USC 1801 This subtitle may be cited as the "Drug-Free Media Campaign Act of 1998". SEC. 102. REQUIREMENT TO CONDUCT NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN. 21 USC 1801. (a) IN GENERAL. —The Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (in this subtitle referred to as the "Director") shall conduct a national media campaign in accordance with this subtitle for the purpose of reducing and preventing drug abuse among young people in the United States. (b) LOCAL TARGET REQUIREMENT. —The Director shall, to the maximum extent feasible, use amounts made available to carry out this subtitle under section 105 for media that focuses on, or includes specific information on, prevention or treatment resources for consumers within specific local areas. SEC. 103. USE OF FUNDS. 21 USC 1802. (a) AUTHORIZED USES.— (1) IN GENERAL. —Amounts made available to carry out this subtitle for the support of the national media campaign may only be used for— (A) the purchase of media time and space; (B) talent reuse payments; (C) out-of-pocket advertising production costs; (D) testing and evaluation of advertising; r> (E) evaluation of the effectiveness of the media campaign; (F) the negotiated fees for the winning bidder on request for proposals issued by the Office of National Drug Control Policy; (G) partnerships with community, civic, and professional groups, and government organizations related to the media campaign; and