Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/741

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PUBLIC LAW 105-391—NOV, 13, 1998 112 STAT. 3499 SEC. 104. PARK BUDGETS AND ACCOUNTABILITY. 16 USC 5914. (a) STRATEGIC AND PERFORMANCE PLANS FOR EACH UNIT. — Public Each unit of the National Park System shall prepare and make infonnation. available to the public a 5-year strategic plan and an annual performance plan. Such plans shall reflect the National Park Service policies, goals, and outcomes represented in the Service-wide Strategic Plan, prepared pursuant to the provisions of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-62; 107 Stat. 285). (b) ANNUAL BUDGET FOR EACH UNIT. —As a part of the annual performance plan for a unit of the National Park System prepared pursuant to subsection (a), following receipt of the appropriation for the unit from the Operations of the National Park System account (but no later than January 1 of each year), the superintendent of the unit shall develop and make available to the public the budget for the current fiscal year for that unit. The budget shall include, at a minimum, funding allocations for resource preservation (including resource management), visitor services (including maintenance, interpretation, law enforcement, and search and rescue) and administration. The budget shall also include allocations into each of the above categories of all funds retained from fees collected for that year, including (but not limited to) special use permits, concession franchise fees, and recreation use and entrance fees. TITLE II—NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM RE- SOURCE INVENTORY AND MANAGE- MENT SEC. 201. PURPOSES. 16 USC 5931. The purposes of this title are— (1) to more effectively achieve the mission of the National Park Service; (2) to enhance management and protection of national park resources by providing clear authority and direction for the conduct of scientific study in the National Park System and to use the information gathered for management purposes; (3) to ensure appropriate documentation of resource conditions in the National Park System; (4) to encourage others to use the National Park System for study to the benefit of park management as well as broader scientific value, where such study is consistent with the Act of August 25, 1916 (commonly known as the National Park Service Organic Act; 16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.); and (5) to encourage the publication and dissemination of information derived from studies in the National Park System. SEC. 202. RESEARCH MANDATE. 16 USC 5932. The Secretary is authorized and directed to assure that management of units of the National Park System is enhanced by the availability and utilization of a broad program of the highest quality science and information.