PUBLIC LAW 107-66 —NOV. 12, 2001 115 STAT. 489 expense: Provided further, That using $500,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to proceed with the Shoalwater Bay Shoreline, Washington, project: Provided further. That all studies for the Shoalwater Bay Shoreline project shall be cost shared in the same proportion as the construction implementation costs: Provided further. That using $2,500,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to proceed with a final design and initiate construction for the repair and replacement of the Jicarilla Municipal Water System in the town of Dulce, New Mexico: Provided further. That using $750,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to proceed with the Missouri River Restoration Project and that erosion control measures implemented shall be primarily through nonstructural means such as planting of native vegetation, buffer strips, conservation easements, setbacks, and agricultural best management practices: Provided further, That with $10,000,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to construct the Dallas Floodway Extension, Texas, project, including the Cadillac Heights feature, generally in accordance with the Chief of Engineers report dated December 7, 1999: Provided further. That the deadline for the report required Deadline, under section 154(g) of Public Law 106-554 is extended to December Reports. 31, 2002: Provided further. That the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to use unexpended funds appropriated in Public Law 105-62, under the heading Construction, General for Ssdyersville, Kentucky, to construct additional recreation improvements at the Buckhom Lake, Kentucky, project: Provided further. That using $1,000,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to initiate construction on the Seward Harbor, Alaska, project in accordance with the Report of the Chief of Engineers dated June 8, 1999 and the economic justification contained therein: Provided further. That the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to use up to $900,000 of funds previously appropriated to reimburse the City of Venice, Florida, for the costs incurred by the City prior to October 1998 for work accomplished by the City related to the relocation of the stormwater outfalls and the construction of the artificial reef that comprises an integral part of the project for beach nourishment, in Sarasota County, Florida: Provided further. That the Secretsiry of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to use funds appropriated herein, for emergency bank stabilization measures at Lakeshore Park in Knoxville, Tennessee: Provided further. That the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to continue the Dickenson County Detailed Project Report as generally defined in Plan 4 of the Huntington District Engineer's Draft Supplement to the Section 202 General Plan for Flood Damage Reduction dated April 1997, including all Russell Fork tributary streams within the County and special considerations as may be appropriate to address the unique relocations and resettlement needs for the flood prone communities within the County: Provided further. That, with respect to the environmental infrastructure project in Lebanon, New Hampshire, for which funds are made available under this heading, the non-Federal interest shall receive credit toward the