Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/681

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(I) TkKMion Krvicei (PCPC un i ' (d) Aichiicclunl Kivicc (PCPC867U (l)No n e C2)Noiic (1) Now except branching il not permitted and: j For lbs period of S yean from the dale of enuy into force of Uic AgreemoU, licensing (hallbemadeon caie bycaKbasisand thenumber of(be servicepnividenshall bedecidedbythe MinistiyofFinance, based on the developmenl of the maikel of Vietnam for the period of S yean froin (he dale of entry inio for« of the Agnement. service supplyingcompanies with US. invested capital are 1 only penniued to supply services to foreign invested enterprises and foreign Amdedprojectsin Vietium. (4) Unbound except asindicated in llorizonul commilmcntt (l)No nc (2) None (3]Noneexcept branching isnot permilted and: ' Fortheperiodoftwoyearsfioni Ihedaleofestablishment and operatioo, onlcrpriseswith 1OOHUS-owned capital mayonlyprovide theirservices 10 enterprises with foreign directly-invested capital in Vietnam Conpanies of (he U.S. have been legally registered for operauon in (he U.S (4) Unboundexcept as indialed in Horizontal commilments. (l)No n e (2) None (3) None (4) Unboutul except as indicated in Horizontal • eoaimitmenta. (l)Noiie (2)Nonc (1) Nsnc 1 (4) Unbound except as conuniunents. indicated in Honvonial ^- o o 4^ CO to o o 01 25 to -a s: