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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1052

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1000 TREATY `WITH THE PONCAS. MARCH 12, 1858. Ponsas notto shall the latter alienate, sell, or in manner dispose of any- portion thereof; %;$;°*§xg°*€ to except to the United States; but, whenever they may think proper, they ¤,,U}m,d gum may divide said tract among themselves, giving to each head of a family butmaydivide or single person a fhrm, with such rights of possession, transfer to any g2g82E3g other member of the tribe, or of descent to their heirs and representa- ° tives, as may be in accordance with the laws, customs, and regulations of the tribe. LWN ¤'¤¤i— Anuonn VI. Such persons as are now lawfully residing on the lands g;l§,y°I:,gQgg° herein ceded by the Poncas shall each have the privilege of entering one may enter 160 hundred and sixty acres thereof; to include any improvements they may

::_$1·25 have, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre.

Pp,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,;,,. Anrrcrn VII. The Poncas acknowledge their dependence upon the ¤¤i¤f1‘i¤¤diy government of the United States, and do hereby pledge and bind themr°m‘°°°‘ selves to preserve friendly relations with the citizens thereof, and to commit no injuries or depredations on their persons or property, nor on those of members of any other tribe; but, in case of any such injury or depreto pay for dep- dation, full compensation shall, as far as practicable, be made therefor out ’°d°*i°””- of their tribal annuities; the amount in all cases to be determined by the ,,0, to ,,,,1,,, Secretary of the Interior. They further pledge themselves not to engage war,exo•pt, Sw. in hostilities with any other tribe, unless in self-defence, but to submit, through their agent, all matters of dispute and diflioulty between themselves and other Indians for the decision of the President of the United States, to surrender and to acquiesce in and abide thereby. They also agree, whenever called otfenden. upon by the proper officer, to deliver up all offenders against the treaties, laws, or regulations of the United States, who may be within the limits of their reservation, and to assist in discovering, pursuing, and capturing all such offenders, whenever required to do so by such officer. A,m,,m,,, wbg Ancrzcnn VIII. To aid in preventing the evils of intemperance, it is Wiihhglé fg9m hereby stipulated that if any of the Poncas shall drink, or procure for g‘f‘Qu£Qc$’§ng others, intoxicating liquor, their proportion of the tribal annuities shall be liquor. withheld from them for at least one year; and for a violation of any of the stipulations of this agreement on the part of the Poncas, they shall be liable to have their annuities withheld, in whole or in part, and for such length of time as the President of the United States shall direct. I pnuuitieg of Anrxcrn IX. No part of the annuities of the Poncas shall be taken “ '“,‘;“di‘£dud to pay any claims or demands against them, except such as may arise 53m_ under this agreement, or under the trade and intercourse-laws of the an demands United States; and the said Indians do hereby fully relinquish and release mtg? glam the United States from all demands against them on the part of the tribe mlm3m ordaréyfindividuals thereof, except such as are herein stipulated and provide or. Expenses of Anrzonn X. The expenses connected with the negotiation of this g§§,;;f““°”* h"' agreement shall be paid by the United States. Signatures, In testimony whereof, the said Charles E. Mix, commissioner, as afore- March 12, 1858. said, and the undersigned delegates and representatives of the Ponca. tribes of Indians, have hereunto set their names and seals, at the place and on the day hereinbefore written. CHARLES E. MIX, Commissioner. [L. s.] WAH-GAH-SAH-PI, or Whip, his x mark. [L. s. GISH-TAH-WAH-GU, or Strong Walker, his x mark. [L. sj`? MQITCHELL P. CERA, or Wash—kom-mo—ni, his x mark. L. s.] A-SHNO-NI-KAH-GAH-HI, or Lone Chief, his x mark. L. S.] SHU-KAH-BI, or Heavy Clouds, his x mark. L. S.] TAH-TUNGAH-NUSHI, or Standing Buffalo, his x mark. L. s.] Executed in the presence of —— Enwsan Hsmzrcx, E. B. Guarson,