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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1092

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1040 TREATY WITH THE SISSEETON, &c., SIOUX. JUNE 19, 1858. b°A*{¤$?;§m ARTICLE VII. To aid in preventing the evils of intemperance, it is tj,,,,?},:,,,,,; hereby stipulated that if any of the members of the said Sisseeton and Spc., intoxicating Wahpaton bands of Sioux Indians shall drink or procure for others intox- 1"i"°”· icating liquors, their proportion of the annuities of said bands shall, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be withheld from them for the period of at least one year; and for a violation of any of the stipulations of this agreement on the part of any member of said bands, the persons so offending shall be liable to have their annuities withheld, and to be subject bm such other punishment as the Secretary of the Interior may presen Members or Amncnm VIH. Any members of said Sisseeton and Wahpaton bands $:”*’;¤d°;:5 who may be desirous of dissolving their tribal connection and obligations, wma2Q0n_ M and of locating beyond the limits of the reservation provided for said bands, shall have the privilege of so doing, by notifying the United States agent of such intention, and making an actual settlement beyond the limits of said re ervation; shall be vested with all the rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all the laws, obligations, and duties, of citizens of the United States; but uch procedure shall work no forfeiture on their part of the right to share in the annuities of said bands. Sccretarylof Axrncnn IX. Such of the stipulations of former treaties as provide for £'£c°;Q;`0;’ ov: the payment of sums of money to the said Sisseeton and ummm md Ob. Wahpaton bands, or for the application or expenditure of specific amounts .i¤¤¤ <>€¤¤¤¤¤l for particular objects or purposes, shall be, and hereby are, so amended °‘*’°"d‘m°‘ and changed as to invest the Secretary of the Interior with discretionary power in regard to the manner and objects of the annual expenditure of all such sums or amounts which have accrued and are now due to said bands, together with the amount the said bands shall become annually entitled to under and by virtue of the provisions of this agreement: Provided, The said sums or amounts shall be expended for the benefit of said bands at such time or times and in such manner as the said Secretary shall deem best calculated to promote their interests, welfare, and advance’iu civilization. And it is further agreed that such change may be made in the stipulations of former treaties, which provide for the pay- ment of particular sums for specified purposes, as to permit the chiefs and braves of said bands, or any of the subdivisions of said bands, with the sanction of the Secretary of the Interior, to authorize such payment or expenditure of their annuities, or any portion thereof; which are to become due hereafter, as may be deemed best for the general interests and welfhre of the said bands or subdivisions thereofl United States ARTICLE X. The expenses attending the negotiation of this agreement

•i_¤I;¤Y shall be defrayed by the United States.

g° _' In testimony whereof; the said Charles E. Mix, Commissioner, as afore- Juigpm said, and the undersigned chiefs and headmen of the said Sisseeton and ’ Wahpaton bands, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day first above written. CHARLES E. MIX, Uommissiomr. [sun,.] MUZ-ZAH-SHAW, (Red Iron,) his x mark. [san.] WAM-DI1·PI-DU-TAH, (War Eagle’s Scarlet Tail,) his x mark. [sean. 0.TU PI, (The Planter,) his x mark. san,. HA-HU-TA-NAI, (The Stumpy Horn,) his x mark. {situ,. MAZ-Z0-MA·N EE, (Walking Iron,) his x mark. [san,. MAZ-ZA-KOO'1`E—MANEE, (Shoots Iron as he Walks,) his x mark. [sun..] UPI·YA-Hl—DE-YAW, (Chief of Lac qui Parle,) his x mark,. sen. UMPE·DU-T0~KE-CHAW, (Other Day,) his x mark. Esau.]