CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. JULY 17, 1858. 1043 Convention between the Uizited States of America and Es Meyesty the Eng of the Belgians. Uoneladed at Washington, July 17, 1858. Ratijied, April 13, 1859. Ratgications exchanged, April 16, 1859. Proelaimed by the President of the United Slates, April 19, 1859. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: yu;y1y,1858_ A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a convention between the United States of America and his pr,,,_mb1,,_ Majesty the King of the Belgians was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the 17th day of July last, which convention, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows : — The United States of America on Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, Conmctin the one part, and his Majesty the d’une part, et les Etats-Unis d’Amé- parties. 8 King of the Belgians on the other rique, d’autre part, voulant régler part, wishing to regulate in a for- d’une maniere formelle les relations mal manner their reciprocal rela- réciproques de commerce et de navitions of commerce and navigation, gation, et fortifier de plus en plus, and further to strengthen, through par le développement des interéts the development of their interests, respectifs, les liens d’amitié et de respectively, the bonds of friend- bonne intelligence si heureusement ship and good understanding so hap- etablis entre les deux gouvernepily established between the govern- ments et les deux peuples; désirant, ments and people of the two coun- dans ce but, arreter de commun tries; and desiring with this view accord un traité stipulant des conto conclude, by common agreement, ditions également avantageuses au a treaty establishing conditions commerce et a la navigation des equally advantageous to the com- deux etats, ont, a cet eifet, nommé merce and navigation of both States, pour leurs plénipotentiaires, savoir: have to that effect appointed as Sa Majesté Ie Roi des Belges, le N¢g0$i¤·f<>¤‘¤ their plenipotentiaries, namely: The Sieur Henri Bosch Spencer, décoré President of the United States, de la Croix de Fer, Chevalier de Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of l’Ordre Leopo1d,Chevalierde1’Etoi1e the United States, and his Majesty Polaire, son Charge d’Atl"aires aux the King of the Belgians, Mr. Henri Etats-Unis, et le President des Bosch Spencer, decorated with the Etats-Unis, Lewis Cass, Secrétaire Cross of Iron, Chevalier of the d’Etat des Etats-Unis,lesquels,apres Order of Leopold, Chevalier of the s’etre communiqué leurs pleins pou- Polar Star, his Charge d’AH`aires voirs, trouvés en bonne et due in the United States, who, after forme, ont arreté et conclu les arhaving communicated to each other ticles suivants: their full powers, ascertained to be in good and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles : — ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 1. There shall be full and entire free- ; Il y aura pleine et entiere liberté Commerce my dom of commerce and navigation de commerce et de navigation entre ¤¤Viz¤fi0¤· VOL. XII. TREAT.-134
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