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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1103

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TREATY WITH THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN. JULY 29, 1858. 1051 Treaty between the United States J America and the Enpire of Japan. (Amity and Commerce.) Conoluded at the City of Kado, July 29, 1858. Ratiyied by President of the United States, April 12, 1860. Exchanged at City of Washington May 22, 1860. Proclaimed ln; Presidentof United States, May 23, 1860. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: July 29:1858- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a treaty of amity and commerce between the United States and the Empire of Japan was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the City of Yedo, on the twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, which treaty is word for word as follows: The President of the United De President der Vereenigde 09¤¤‘¤<=¤i¤z States of America and his Majesty Staten van Amerika, en Zyne Ma- P°‘m°'°‘ the Ty-Coon of Japan, desiring to jesteit de Taikoen van Japan, de establish on firm and lasting founda- nu, gelukkiglyk tusschen beide lantions the relations of peace and den bestaande betrekkingen van friendship now happily existing be- vrede en vriendschap, op vaste en tween the two countries, and to se- duurzame grondslagen wenschende cure the best interest of their daarte stellen, en de beste belangen respective citizens and subjects by Hunner wederzydsche burgers en encouraging, facilitating, and regu- onderdanen te verzekeren, door lating their industry and trade, have hunne nyverheid en handel aan te resolved to conclude a treaty of moedigen, te vergemakkelyken en amity and commerce for this pur- te regelen,hebben besloten een tracpose, and have, therefore, named as taat van vriendschap en handel tot their plenipotentiaries, that is to dat einde te sluiten, endaartoe als say: The President of the United Hunne Gevolmagtigden benoemd, States, his excellency Townsend te weten; Harris, Consul General of the D.e President der Vereenigde United States of America for the Staten, Zyne Excellentie Townsend Empire of Japan, and his Majesty Harris, Consul Generaal der Vethe Ty-Coon of Japan, their excel- reenigde Staten van Amerika, voor lencies Ino-oo-ye, Prince of Sinano, het Japansche Ryk, en Zyne Majesand Iwasay, Prince of Hego, who, teit de Taikoen van Japan, Hunne after having communicated to each Excellentien Inowoeje, Prinz van other their respective full powers, Sinano, en Iwasee, Prinz van Hiand found them to be in good and go, die na elkander hunne_wederdue form, have agreed upon and zydsche volmagten, te hebben medconcluded the following articles:-— egedeeld en dezelve in goeden en behoorlyken, vorm bevonden, overeengekomen en gesloten hebben,de volgende artikelen · ARTICLE 1. EEEsTE ARTIKEL. There shall henceforward be per· Er zal van nu af aan immerdu- Amity. &¤· petual peace and friendship between rende vrede en vriendschap zyn, the United States of America and tusschen de Vereenigde Staten van his Majesty the Ty-Coon of Japan Amerika, en Zyne Majesteit den and his successors. Taikoen van Japan en Hoogstdeszelfs Opvolgers. vox., xii. '1‘EE»:r.—-135