1188 TREATY WITH HANOVER. NOVEMBER 6, 1861. The United ARTICLE III. By way of damage and compensation for the sacrifices $*3** V; Pgag imposed upon his Majesty the King of Hanover by the above stipula- Eaié-:,:1 y ’ tions, the United States of America agree to pay to his Majesty the King of Hanover, who accepts the same, the sum of sixty thousand three hundred and fifty-three thalers, Hauoverian currency, this being the proportional quota part of the United States in the general table of indemnification lor the abolition of the Stade or Brunshausen dues. Indemnity to ARTICLE 1V. The sum of sixty thousand three hundred and fifty- be paid ¤,,&,,_ three thalers courant, stipulated in art1cle III, shall be paid at Berlin into the hands of such person as shall have been authorized by his Magesty the King of Hanover to receive it, on the day of the exchange of ratilications as hereinafter provided. I,,,,,,,,,;, to be In consideration of the fact that the stipulations contained in articles I Did f·l¤¤1‘¢<>¤- and II have already been applied to the American flag since the first day of July, 1861, the United States of America agree to pay besides, and [at] the same time with the capital above named, the interest of that sum, at the rate of four per centum per annum, commencing with the first day of October, 1861. Treaty to be ARTICLE V. The execution of the obligations contained in the presexecuted auaon ent treaty is especially subordinated to the accomplishment of such for- “P°$“‘bl°‘ malities and rules as are established by the Constitutions of the high contracting Powers; and the compliance with these formalities and rules be brought about within the shortest delay possible. Form,. mm,. Aarxcna VI. The treaty of commerce and navigation concluded beto remain in tween the United States of America and his Majesty the King of Hanog:`;"fXF°P““"' ver, on the tenth day of June, 1846, shall continue to remain in force, , paragraph . . . . . . . . 3. with the exception of the stipulation contained in paragraph 3, article I, which shall cease to have effect after the present treaty shall have been ratified. Rntitieations, Anrrcmu VII. This treaty shall be approved and ratiied, and the
- 1 E1° l’° °x‘ ratifications shall be exchanged at the city of Berlin within six months
gcfrom the present date, or sooner, if possible. In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the English and German languages, and they have thereunto atlixed their seals. Dm Done in duplicate at Berlin the sixth day of November, in the year of ' our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the independence of the United States of America the eighty-sixth. N. B. JUDD. [L. S.] WILHELM AUGUST VON REITZENSTEIN. [L. s.] Protocol. PROTOCOL. It remains understood that, until the execution of the stipulations con- D b tained in article V. and VII. of the treaty of to-day shall have taken _¤¢§ to ¤ _ place, the Hanoverian Government shall reserve the rirrht rovisionall °£:f°°"°°d “"m’ by way of precaution, to maintain the duel; which it has hgxtegd to abolish; But as soon as the United States of America shall have fulfilled the stipulations therein mentioned, the Hanoverian Government shall order the discharge of that temporary measure of precaution, as regards merchandise transported in American vessels. Until, however, all the Powers, parties to the general treaty of the 22d day of June, 1861, concern- Pm, of M_ ing the abolition of the Stude or Brunshausen dues, shall have fultilled geiislttynetessdq the engagements contained in the articles VI. and VII. of the last named m:‘;'[:’ required treaty-, it shall have power to reqmre of American vessels a proof of their until, &c, nationnluy, without thereby causing them a delay or detention, Done at Berlin. the 6th November, 1861. N. B. JUDD. [L. s. NVILIIELM AUGUST VON REITZENSTEIN. [L. sd