TREATY WITH MEXICO. DECEMBER 11, 1861. 1199 Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Jlhxico for the Extradition of Criminals. Ooncluded at Mexico, December 11, 1861. Ratificattons exchanged at Mexico, May 20, 1862. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, June 20, 1862. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: December 11, 1861. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a treaty between the United States of America and the Preamble. Republic of Mexico, for the extradition of criminals, was concluded and signed at the city of Mexico on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, which treaty, as amended by the Senate of the United States, and being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows: Treaty between the United States Tratado entre los Estados Unidos of America and the United Mex- Mexicanos y los Estados Unidos ican States for the Extradition of de América para la extradicion Criminals. de criminales. The United States of America Los Estados Unidos Mexicauosy and the United Mexican States, los Estados Unidos de América hahaving judged it expedient, with a biendo juzgado conveniente para la. view to the better administration mejor administracion de justicia y of justice and to the prevention of para evitar crfmenes dentro de sus crime within their respective terri- respectivos territories y jurisdictories and jurisdictions, that persons ciones, que las personas acusadas charged with the crimes hereinaf- de los crimines que se enumeran en ter enumerated, and being fugitives seguida, siendo fugitivas de la jusfrom justice, should, under certain ticia, sean bajo ciertas circunstam circumstances, be reciprocally de- cias recfprocamente entregadas, han livered up, have resolved to con- determinado celebrar un Tratado clude a treaty for this purpose, and con tal objeto, y han nombrado have named as their respective como sus respectivos Plenipotenplenipotentiaries, that is to say: ciarios, a saber: The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados Uni- Plonipotentia- States of America. has appointed dos Mexicanos, a Sebastian Lerdo *1** Thomas Corwin, a. citizen of the de Tejada, ciudadano de los mismos United States, and their Envoy Estados y Diputado al Congreso Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-ide Ia Union; y El Presidente de potentiary near the Mexican Gov- los Estados Unidos de América a. ernment; and the President of the Tomas Corwin, ciudadano de los United Mexican States has appoint- Estados Unidos y su Enviado Exed Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, a traordinario y Ministro Plenipotencitizen of the said States, and ciario cerca del Gobierno Mexicana. a Deputy of the Congress of the Quienes, despues de haberse eomu- Union, who, after having communi- nicado reciprocamente sus respeccated to each other their respective tivos plenos poderes, hallatndolos en full powers, found in good and due buena y debida forma, ban conveniform, have agreed upon and con- do en los articulos siguientes: eluded the following articles:
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