CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. Dmcmmu 11, 1861. 1205 Postal Uonvmnon between the United States of America and the Republic of Mextco. Ooncluded at Mexico, December 11, 1861. Ratijicatiems exchanged at Mexico, May 20, 1862. Proclaimed by the President qf the United States, June 20, 1862. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Deeelrpglor 11, A PROCLAMATION. Wusnnss a Postal Convention between the United States of America Pzeunbb and the Republic of Mexico was concluded and signed at the city of Mexico on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, which Convention, being in the English and Spanish lauguages, is, word for word, as follows: Postal Convention between the Convencion Postal entre los Esta- United States of America and dos Unidos Mexicanos y los Esthe United Mexican States. todos Unidos de América. The United States of America Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos and the United Mexican States, be- y los Estados Unidos de América, ing desirous of drawing more closely deseando estrechar las relaciones the friendly relations existing be- amistosas que ecsisten entre los dos tween the two countries and of fa- paisesyfacilitarlatransmission proncilitating the prompt and regular ta y regular de la correspondencia transmission of correspondence be- entre sus respectivos territories, han tween their respective territories, determinado celebrar una Convenhave resolved to conclude a Pos- cion Postal, y han nombrado como tal Convention, and have named sus Plenipotenciarios, a saber: _ _ as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to E1 Presidente de los Estados Uni- m£1°“‘P°*°”*~‘* say: the President of the United dos Mexicanos a Sebastian Lerdo ' States of America has appointed de Tejada, ciudadano do lcs mismos Thomas Corwin, a citizen of the Estadosy Diputado al Congreso de United States and their Envoy Ex- la Union; y El Presidente de los Estraordinary and Minister Plenipo— tados Unidos de América a Tomas tentiary near the Mexican Govern- Corwin, ciudadano de los Estaclos ment, and the President of the Unidos ysu Enviado Extraordinario United Mexican States has appoint- y Ministro Plenipotenciario cerca del ed Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, a Gobierno Mexicana; citizen of the said States and a dep- Quienes, despues do haberse couty of the Congress of the Union, municado reciprocamente sus rewho, after having communicated to spectivos plenos poderes, hal1and0·· each other their respective full los en buena y debida forma, han powers, found in good and due convenido en los articulos signitbrm, have agreed upon the fol- entes: lowing articles: Anrrcnn 1. nnrrouno I. There shall be charged upon all Se cobrara por todas las cmrtas, Seentesof letters, newspapers, reviews, or cali- gacetas, revistas it otras publica- P°'*‘g°» er periodical publications, printed ciones periodicas, folletos impresos pamphlets, or other printed matter, , ni otros impresos, ya sean conducidos
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1257