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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1259

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CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. Dmcamamc 11, 1861. 1207 wardcd to the United States of ly enviados por mar 6 México, ya America by sea, whether by Mex- sea por buques de los Estados Uniican or by United States vessels, dos 6 de México, los portes de tierra such rates of inland postage as are que estan establecidos ahora 6 que I¤l¤¤<l ****1 ¤°¤ now or may hereafter be established puedan establecerse en lo sucesivo ';Sg°g°t° b°Pr°` by the laws of Mexico, and the rate por las leyes de los Estados Unidos, of sea postage prescribed in article y el porte de mar prescrito en el arfirst, which inland and sea postage ticulo primero,euyos portes de tierra shall be combined into one rate and y de mar se combinaran eu un solo paid always in advance. porte, que se pagara siempre adelantado. Such prepayment shall be certi- Este page adelantado se certid- by stamps, tied by the appropriate stamps of cara. por medic de los sellos correthe post office of the United Mex- spondientes de las oticinas de corrccs ican States, and the postage so paid de los Estados Unidos, y perteneshall belong exclusively to Mexico. cera esclusivamente 6. los Estados ¤>b¢l¤¤g*¤ Unidos de América. M°xi°°‘ ARTICLE 111. ARTICUL0 III. Upon all letters, newspapers, Por todas las cartas, gacetas, fol- _ United States printed pamphlets, or other printed letos impresos (1 otros impresos que ”'l€{‘d P‘E;"€f;°“ matter received in the United States se reciban en México de los Estados gizijgf I 0m of' America from Mexico by sea, Unidos de América por mar, cobrara there will be charged by the United Méxiw l0s purtes de tierra que 65- States such rates of inland postage tan establecidos ahora 6 que puedan as are now, or may hereaher be, es- establecerse en lo sucesivo por las tablished by the laws of the United leyes de México, cuyos portes se States, which shall be collected at ccsigiran en el lugar del destino, y wheretobe the place of destination, and shall perteneceran esclusivamente6.Méx- ¢¤>U¢¤¢¢d mdtv belong exclusively to the United ico ; y vice versa, por todas las ear- `"lmm °° b°1°°g' States of America., and vice versa, i tas, gacetas, folletos impresos ni otros upon all letters, newspapers, printed impresos que se reciban en los Es- Postage in _ pamphlets, or other painted matter tad0s Unidos de América de México M;;‘°° ,;’;lm°l‘;*l received in Mexicofrom the United por mar, cobrardn los Estados Uni- gang; Sum, ° States of America by sea., there will dos los portes de tierra que estéu be charged by Mexico such rates of establecidos ahora 6 que puedan inland postage as are now, or may establecerse en lo sucesivo pur las hereafter be, established by the laws leyes de los Estados Unidos, cuyos of Mexico, which shall be collected portes se ecsigiran en e1 lugar del wbécre wgoemd at the place of destination, and shall destino, y perteneceran eselusiva- Q210g_" m°° belong exclusively to Mexico. mente a. los Estados Unidcs de América. ARTICLE Iv. ARTICULO Iv. All letters, newspapers, printed P0? lZ0d¤1$ hw G511i3S, g¤<}€l8$» l`0l· mf;“é*:%::‘;::‘ii pamphlets, or other printed mat- letos impresos ll 0£!‘0S H!1P\`6S05» Vey,,; by ,,,_ ter mailed in the United States of puestos en el correo en los Estados America, and addressed to any place Unidos Mexicands y dirigidos 6. alin the United Mexican States, or gun lugar de los Estados Unidos de vice versa, when not conveyed by América, 6 vice versa, cuando no sea, shall be charged with the rate sean enviados por mar, se cobrara of inland postage of the country el porte de tierra del pais de que from which such mail matter is procedan, cuyo porte se pagara. adesent, which shall be prepaid, and lantado, y se cobrarei. el porte de with the inland postage of the coun- tierra del pais que los recnba, cuyo try receiving, which shall be collect- pcrte se pagara. en el lugar de su ed at the place of destination. destino.