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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1266

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1214 TREATY WITH THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. FEBRUARY 25, 1862. tht? Ulilféd States of America to receive such " permits ” from the local governors shall be considered as an inf}-action of this treaty,. and the Sublime Porte shall immediately punish with severity any vxzxers, or other officers, who shall have been guilty of such misconduct, and shall render full justice to citizens of the United States of America. for all losses or injuries which they may duly prove themselves to have suH'ered thereby. Im,,,,,; dum, Arzrxcnn III. If any articles of Ottoman pmduce or manufacture be in Turkey. purchased by citizens of the United States of America, or their agents, for the purpose of selling the same for internal consumption in Turkey, the said citizens, or their agents, shall pay at the purchase and sale of such articles, and in any manner of trade therein, the same duties that are paid in similar circumstances by the most favored class of Ottoman subjects, or of Foreigners in the internal trade of the Ottoman empire. I. . Anrrcnm IV. No other or hivher duties or charges shall be imposed in tx ort duties , , , ¤ , . . from li·mkey_ the dommions and possessions of either of the contracting parties, on the exportation of any article to the dominions and possessions of the other, than such as are or may be payable on the exportation of the like article prohibitions to to any other foreign country ; nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the be Mme as, &c. exportation of any article from the dominions and possessions of either of the two contracting powers to the dominions and possessions of the other, which shall not equally extend to the exportation of the like article to any other country. Eight pe, wm No charge or duty whatsoever will be demanded on any article of Otexport duty may toman produce or manufacture purchased by citizens of the United States l’° °h“"B'°d- of America, or their agents, either at the place where such article is purchased or in its transit from that place to the place whence it is exported, at which it will be subject to an export duty not exceeding eight per cent., calculated on the value at the place of shipment, and payable on exportation; and all articles which shall once have paid this duty shall not again be liable to the same duty, however they may have changed hands within any part of the Ottoman empire. To be reduced_ . It is furthermore agreed, that the duty of eight perlcent. above mentioned will be annually reduced by one per cent. until it shall be, m this manner, finally reduced to a. fixed duty of one per cent. ad valorem, destined to cover the general expenses of administration and control. Transport ARTICLE V. No other or higher duties shall be imposed on the imduties and portation into the United States of America of any article the produce or P*°hil”*i°”°- manufacture of the dominions and possessions of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, from whatever place arriving, whether by sea or by land; and no other or higher duties shall be imposed on the importation into the dominions and possessions of His Imperial Majesty, of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States of America, from whatever place arriving, than are or may be payable on the like article the produce or manufacture of any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibition be maintained or imposed on the importation of any article, the produce or manufacture of the dominions and possessions of either of the contracting parties, into the dominious and possessions of the other, which shall not equally extend to the importation of the like articles, being the produce or manufacture of any other country. Impmdutiu His Imperial Majesty further engages that, save as hereinafter exnpt to exceed eepted, he will not prohibit the importation into his dominions and pcs- "gl‘* P" "°”*· sessions of any article the produce and manufacture of the United States of America, from whatever place arriving ; and that the duties to be imposed on every article the produce or manufacture of the United States of America imported into the empire and possessions of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, shall in no case exceed one fixed rate of eight per cent. ad valorem, or a specific duty, fixed by common consent, equivalent thereto. Such rate shall be calculated upon the value of such articles