TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWA INDIANS. Mmcu 11, 1863. 1253 And whereas, the said trea havin been submit ·g the United States for its consttltutioualg action thereciii? th; Slbiiaédlxlls gh wlililimogamw the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-thiee, advise and consent to the ratification of the same by a resolution with amendments in the words and figures following, to wit: “IN Exncnrrva Snssxou, “ Smucrn or ran Umrsn Surss, March 13, 1863. “ResoZved, (two thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the ‘ articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the city of Washington, the 11th day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, between William P. Dole, commissioner of Indian affairs, and Clark W. Thompson, superintendent of Indian affairs of the northern superintendency, on the part of the United States, and Henry M. Rice, of Minnesota, for and on behalf of the Chippewas of the Mississippi, and the Pillager and Lake Winibigoshish bands of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota} with the following “AMENDMENTS : " Article 3, line 8, strike out ‘thirty thousand,' and insert: ‘twenty thousand} “ Article 3, line 9, after the word ‘ dollars’ insert: ‘ Or so much thereof as may be necessary, provided that no money shall be paid under this item, except upon claims which have been duly adjudicated and found to be due under existing treaties, from said Indians, and allowed by the Secretary of the Interior, or under his direction.’ “ Article 3, lines 9, 10, and 11, strike out the following words: ‘3rd, To enable said Indians to pay their present just engagements, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, as the chiefs in council may direct} " Article 4. At the end thereof, insert: ‘Prav£dcd, That the amount expended under this article shall not exceed the sum of three thousand six hundred dollars.’ “ Article 5. At the end thereof insert: ‘Not exceeding, in the aggregate, one thousand dollars! “ Article 6. At the end thereof insert: ‘ But not more than three thousand dollars shall be expended for this purpose} “Article 7. Strike out this article, and in lieu thereof insert the following: “‘.AR'1‘ICLE VII. The President shall appoint a board of visitors, to consist of not less than two nor more than three persons, to be selected from such Christian denominations as he may designate, whose duty it shall be to attend the annuity payments to the Indians, and to inspect the fields and other improvements of the Indians, and to report annually thereon on or before the first of November; and also as to the qualifications and moral deportment of all persons residing upon the reservation under the authority of law; and they shall receive for their services tive dollars per day for the time actually employed, and tencents per mile for travelling expenses: Provided, That no one shall he paid in any one year for more than twenty days’ service, or for more than three hundred miles' travel.’ _ " Article 8,1ine 10, strike out ‘their agent} and insert: ‘the commssioner of Indian afl`airs.’ “ Article 9, line 7, strike out the word ‘fami1y’ and insert ‘1awful wife.’ " Article 9, lines 9, 10, and 11, strike out ‘ whose moral habits and fitness shall be reported upon annually by the board of visitors}
- ‘ Article 9, line 16, strike out the words ‘ and may be expelled from the
reservation! V