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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1312

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1260 APPENDIX. N 0. 6. p May 3, 1861. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMLATION. Y*°¤¤bl¤· WHEREAS existing exigencies demand immediate and adeguate measures for the protection of the national Constitution and the preservation of the na.tional Union by the suppression of the insurrectionary combinations now existing. in several States for opposing the laws of the Union and obstructing the execution thereof, to which end a military force in addition to that called forth by my Troolamation of the fifteenth day of April in the present year, appears to he indispensably necessary: _ Volunteers for Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States,

.hr°°y°"° °°u°d 8Ild C0mma.ll(Ier-In-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, and of; the MlllBl3_0f

°r' the Several States when called into actual service, do hereby call l11D0 the scrvlce of the United States forty-two thousand and thirty-four volunteers, to serve for the period of three years unless sooner discharged, and to be mustered Into service as infantry and cavalry. The proportions of each arm and the details gg enrollment and organization will be made known through the Department of ar. Increase of reg· And I also direct that the regular army of the United States be increased by “l“" *"‘“Y· the addition of eight regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, and one regiment of artillery, making altogether a maximum aggregate increase of twenty-two thousand seven hundred and fourteen, officers and enlisted men, the tigtails of which increase will also be made known through the Department of ar. Increase of sea- And I further direct the enlistment for not less than one or more than three mm ‘”`*h° ““"Y years, of eighteen thousand seamen, in addition to the present force, for the naval service of the United States. The details of the enlistment and organization will be made known through the Department of the Navy. The call for volunteers, hereby made, and the direction for the increase of the regular army, and for the enlistment of seamen hereby given, together with the plan of organization adopted for the volunteers and for the regular forces hereby authorized will be submitted to Congress as soon as assembledl In the mean time I earnestly invoke the cooperation of all ood citizens in the measures hereby adopted, for the effectual suppression of unIawful violence, for the impartial enforcement of constitutional laws, and for the speediest possible restoration of peace and order, and, with these, of happiness and prosperity throughout the country. In testimony whereof; I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington, this third day of May, in the year of our [L. s.] Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-Gfth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: WILLIAM H. Snwann, Secretary of State. No. 7. May 10, 1861- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. Wnmmns an insurrection exists in the State of Florida, by which the lives, liberty, and property of loyal citizens of the United States are endangered; Martinllaw And whereas it is deemed proper that all needful measures should be taken dc_clqr¤<1i¤ cer- for the protection of such citizens and all officers of the United States in the Hm ‘*l“[‘Fl2 °“ discharge of their public duties in the State aforesaid: H:;?: ° Now, therefore, be it known that I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of