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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/298

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268 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8, 9. 1861. U°°*i”8°¤* °x· For contingent expenses that may accrue for the following purposes, P°"°°' viz.: freight and transportation, printing and stationery, advertising in newspapers, books, maps, models, and drawings, purchase and repair of Ermmgines and machinery, repairs of and attending to steam-engmgs in navy yards, purchase a;d maintgnt:nce of horses agd oxon, Fnd clmvinp teams carts, tim cr w e s, an tac purcmsc an repair o wor mens tools, hostage of public letters, fuel, oil, and candles for navy yards and shore stations, pay of watchman and incidental labor not chargeable to any other appropriation, transportation to and labor attending the delivery of provisions and stores on foreign stations, wharfagc, dockage, and rent, travelling expenses of offtccrs and others under orders, funeral cxponses, store and officc rent, fuel, commissions and pay of clerks to navy agents and storckccpcrs, Bags, awnings, and packing boxes, premiums and other expenses of. recruiting, apprchending descrtcrs, per diem pay to persons attending courts-martial, courts oflinquiry,;nd 0the1}servicies authorized by law, pay in judges advocate, pi otage an towaga o vesse s, and assistance to vessels in distress, and for bills of health and quarantine expenses of vessels of the United States navy in foreign ports, ten thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to _ expend so much of the sums remaining in the Treasury on the first of m§g?;:$)¤:il` July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the credit of " printing and publication of sailing directions, wind and current charts, astronomical observations, and hydrographical surveys," as may be necessary for completing the unfmished work left at the Observatory by the late Superintendent: Provided, That the expenditures under the foregoing shE;°:;b;‘;;°f;i;f appropriations shall be so accounted for as to show the disbursements bm,,m,m~_,_ byécach guxiag nzndenyaach respcctiga ?Hpr0priationk pmm,-1 mg. E0. . n it url er enactcat no aten article connected 695 ¤¤¤¤Q¤¤¤<i with marine engines shall be hereafter purchagod or attached to, or used €:§¤T§2°b:u` in connection with any steam vessel of wax-, until the same shall have ought unless, been submitted to, and officially recommended in writing for purchase K"' and use by a. competent board of naval 011 `uccrs. Armovmn, July 18, 1861. gl July 22, 1861. CHA!. IX.--An Act to authorize the Employment of Volunteers to aid in ergfcrcing the “""‘“"""""" Laws and protecting Public Property. Preamble. Whereas, certain of the forts, arsenals, custom-houses, navy yards, and 1,32, $:117- other prgpieitxof th; United State; haze beenfcizcd, Sm:. other vio- ‘a ons 0 aw ave cen committe an are t reatene orvanized P3?gj§lQg?4‘ b0dics of men m several of the States, and a. conspiracy hzs bgen cntcrcd mto to overthrow the Government of the United States: Thereorc, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress asscmbkd, That the President bc, and he is

X£3gE?‘ D?t hereby, authorized to  acccpt the services of volunteers, either as cavalry,

000 muygba RL infantry, or artillery, in such numbers, not exceeding five hundred thougpm muppm, sand, as he may deem necessary, for the purpose of repelling invasion, supm¤¤rm<>u<>n,&c. pressing insurrection, enforcing the laws, and preserving and protecting

Tei·m of mr- the public property: Provided, That the services of the volunteers shall

gggtj d‘“b’·“d“ be for such time as the President may direct, not exceeding three years nor less than six xnouths, and they shall be disbanded at the end of the war. And all provisions of law applicable to three yca.rs’ volunteers shall apply to two yearn' volunteers, and to all volunteers who have been, or may be, accepted mto the service of the United States, for a. period not loss than mx months, in the same manner as if such volunteers were specially named. Before receiving into service any uurhbcr of volunteers To Mmm fm, exceeding those now called for and accepted, the President shall, from by proclamation time to time, xssue his proclamation, stating the number desired, either as