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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/348

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318 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 57, 58, 59. 1861 18·i6, ¤b.21. ization of a company of sappcrs and miners, and pontoniers, approved V°l· ***-1*-12- May sixteenth, [fifteenth] eighteen hundred and forty-six. The said company shall be subject to the rules and articles of war, and shall have the same organization as the companies of engineer soldiers attached to the corps of engineers. Vacancies in Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That vacancies. hereafter occurring §•£=;¤é¤??€:gun_ among the commissioned officers of the yoluutecr regiments shall be mica ,,,,,,,1 h,,,m]_,,d_ y the Governors of the States respectively m the same manner as cmg. inal appointments. And so much of the tenth section of the act approved Al3S1,¤h·7%§10· July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, as is inconsistent

  • P‘2 ‘ herewith be and the same is hereby, repealed.

Twcaddidond Sec. 4. dud be it further enacted, That the President of the United myjmggi States is hereby authorized to appoint two additional inspectors-gene;-al for the United States army; sand inspcctorsgcneral to have the same ·__ rank and receive the same pay and allowances as now provided by law for inspectors-veneral. 3,,],,,;,,,;,,,,,;. Sec. 5. And be it _/hrtieer metctcd That so much of the first section of ¤¤¤ <>f¤¤¢¤¤¤¤1 the act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, as author. Qwmwgh izes the appointment of civilians to supcrintend the national armories be, 1854, 6],26-,, and the same is hereby, repealed, and that the superintendents of these §r armories shall be appointed hereafter from oliccrs of the Ordnance De- V°L *' P' 678* partment. Approved, August 6, 1861. mxgust 6, ,8% Can. LVIII.-—~An Act to awhv;;;:£dI &M¢ Corps of Engineers and Tapa- Bs it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Iumued-Md States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be added to cmcsrgincorps ouch of the corps of engineers and topographical engineers, by regular g;:§:;§E;:£¤d promotion of their present officers, two lieutenanbcoloncls and four mgmnm mq|0I'S. Company of Sec. And be it further enacted, That there shall be added to the soldiers sqmcc corps o topographical engineers one company of soldiers to be comgggggfrgwww mandcd by anpropriate oiilcers of said corps, to have the shme pay and rations, clothing, and other allowances, and to be entitled to the same benefits in every respect as the company created by the act for the orgau· 1848, @.21* xzationlof a company of sappers and miners, and pontoniers, approved vol, hh pi m_ May sarcteemh, [fifteenth] eighteen hundred and forty-six. The said company shall subject to the rules and articles of war, and shall have the same organisation as the compamcs of engineer soldiers attached to the corps 0 0¤gl¤B8\‘S. Sm. 3. And be tt further enacted, That the President of the United Two additional . . . . . . TT. Statcsus hereby authorized to appoint two additional inspectors-general v •¤¢1w wi- of the United States army, to have the same rank and receive the same paygnd allowaxes as xgow8%:iovided by law for inspectors-general. mzovmv, ugust . Augm 6,],881. Gun. LIX. -Asg Act to for holding the District and Cir¢uit_Cow·ts in Judicial ..u. ‘ Dwzncls uring a temporary Vacancy of the Judguhnp. Bs st enacted the Senate and Ikusz of Representatives of the United In may Wm_ States of Ammca m Uongreu assembled, That in case of a vacancy iu

 the officc of district judge of any judicial district of the United States in

met kdm in u any Quite iu. which there are two Judicial districts, it shall be lawful for 5;,;,,,,],,,,;,;,,,, the district judge of the other district in said State to hold the district $3; jgirdnl court or circuit court in case ot; sickness or the absence of the circuit mm m ,0 be Judge, and discharge all the Judicial dunes of the district judge of such held. vacant district so long as such vacancy shall continue; and all the acts and proceedings in said courts, or by or before the said district judge of