THIRTY~SEVE}<`TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 65, 66, 67. 1861. 327 I will well and faithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law. So help me God."And that each and every such civil officer and employe, in the departments aforesaid, or in any way connected Penalty for rsgherewith, in the service or employment of the United States, who shall lhsal ‘° “’·k° me refuse to take the Oath or affirmation herein provided, shall be immedi— (mb` ately dismissed and discharged from such service or employment. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the oath or affirmation, herein B<=¢"<>r<-= whom Provided for in the first section of this act, may be taken before any jus- igélgnway b° tice of the peace, or notary public, or other person who is legally authorized to administer an oath in the State or District where the same may be administered. And that any violation of such oath by any person or Vi¤lati<>¤_<>f pei-sons taking the same shall subject the Oeenaer to all the pains and pen- ggglégrsffgféal alties of wilful and corrupt perjury, who shall be liable to be indicted and ties of perjury, prosecuted to conviction for any Such offence before any court having com- gud dlS°h?’g° petent jurisdiction thereof: And provided further, That such offender mm Samui shall be forthwith discharged from such service or employment. Approved, August 6, 1861. Ogg, LXV. —- An Actlexplanatory of an Act entitled "An Act concerning the Attorney- August 6, 134;;, General and the Attorneys and lllarshals of the several Districts/’ tri- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United s015C5m- of States of America in Congress assembled, That nothing in the act of which Treasury Mt afthis act is explanatory shall be construed to repeal, modify, or in any way gggéidctggélft adect any law, now in force, defining or regulating the duties of the S0- Ante; p. 285. licitor of the Treasury. APPROVED, August 6, 1861. CHAP. LXVI.—-An Act to provide for the£?epairs of the Long Bridge across the P0t0· August 6, 1861. TIZCC l06T. `t"`_`——— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the sum of twenty thou- Appropriation. sand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the repair of the Repairs O; Long present Long Bridge across the Potomac River. Bridge Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAP. LXVH. ·- An Act auihcrizing the Secretary ry War lolgmy the W>lunteers, who, August 6, BGL under the Command g' Charles W. White, and by Order of rigadier-General T. A. Blorris, enlisted to protect the Railroad Bridges and other Property, in the Wcinily of Oakland, Allegheny County, Jjanz/[and. Be it enacted by the Senate and fkuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Certain volunand he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the $$21 l:;l‘tAl§§h“; Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the commissioned officers, non-com- ham, to gl pailé? missioned officers, musicians, and privates who served as a Home Guard for the protection of the railroad bridge and other property, near Oakland, Alleghany County, Maryland, under command of Captain Charles W. White, and were called into service by order of Brigadier-General T. A. Morris, and to make to them just and reasonable compensation for the failure of the officer of the Government of the United States to furnish to them rations, clothing, and other supplies during their service: Prooided, Proviso. the amount to be paid shall not exceed the amount to which, for similar service, and like rations, clothing, and supplies, volunteers, regularly mustered into service under the President’s proclamation of May third, _ one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, would be equitable entitled. Approved, August 6, 1861.
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