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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/385

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. 355 CHAP. XLI. -An Act making Appropriations jbnthe Legislative, Executire, and .]`ud1`cial March 14, 1g6g_ Esgerrses of the Govemnrent for the Year ending thirtzeth of June, eziuhteen hrmdred ——————-····* an szxlythree, and addztwnal Approprzalwns jbr the Year cndzng t/urtzeth ty" June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Bc it enacted [gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and Le_gis1utive,exthe same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not f1?;?;';;; ““d J“’ . . . . penses, Oih€I`W]S€ 3.ppYOprl3lZCd, for tht;} Ob_]BCtS ll€1`€lIl3f[BI° CXPYGSSCA, For the HSC3i appropriation {by year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, 1863- namely: but nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any man- Construction. ner impairing the right to reduce the compensation of any officer of the Government, or to abolish any existing office: Legislative. For compensation and mileage of Senators, two hundred Psy,&e.ofsenand forty thousand four hundred and thirty dollars: Provided, That the im"' second mileage due by law shall be paid at the present session as soon as Second mileage. certified by the presiding officers of the Senate and House: And pro- _ vided, further, That the foregoing proviso shall not be construed to include agggliogwgrggsi more than two mileages for the present Congress. Congress. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiv- pay of 05;%,8, ing an annual salary in the service of the Senate, viz: Secretary of the &¢· <>f' Senate- Senate, three thousand six hundred dollars; officer charged with disbursements of the Senate, four hundred and eighty dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; principal clerk and principal executive clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, at two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars each; eight clerks in office of the Secretary of the Senate, at one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars each ; keeper of the stationery, one thousand seven hhndred and nity-two dollars; two messengers, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; one page, at tive hundred dollars; sergeant-at-arms and doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; assistant doorkeeper, one thousand seven hundred dollars; postmaster to the Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; assistant postmaster and mail-carrier, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; two mail boys, at nine hundred dollars each; superintendent of the document room, one thousand five hundred dollars ; two assistants in document room, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the folding room, one thousand five hundred dollars; two messengers, acting as assistant doorkeepers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; seventeen messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each ; superintendent in charge of Senate furnaces, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant in charge of furnaces, six hundred dollars; laborer in private passage, six hundred dollars ; two laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; clerk or secretary to the President of the Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars ; clerk to the Committee on Finance, one thousand eight hundred and nity dollars; clerk to the Committee of Claims, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; clerk of printing records, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; Chap— lain to the Senate, seven hundred and fifty dollars ; making seventy-nine thousand and fourteen dollars. For contingent expenses of the Senate, viz : Contingencies V For stationery, twelve thousand dollars. °f S"““*°‘ For newspapers, three thousand dollars. To pay John C. Rives for printing five hundred copies of the Diplo- Dipl<>(;¤¤¤¤C0f· matic Correspondence of the United States, from seventeen hundred and "°P°" °"°°' seventy-six to seventeen hundred and eighty-three, for the State Department, fifteen thousand dollars. For printing the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which are here- C,,,,g,cm0,m after to be bound under the supervision of the Superintendent ot'1’ublic Globe and Ap- Printing, according to the provisions of section five of the “Joint Resolu— P°}‘$;‘t0 be tion in relation to the public printing," approved thirtieth of June, eighteen bound. hundred and sixty, eighteen thousand dollars.