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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/564

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534 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ca. 143. 1862. Capitol and to repair the damage caused by said bakery, the sum of eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neoessa . S *7 Burglar-proof For constructing burglar-proof vaults for the assistant treasurer at

S'£&Q grfgfugf New York, and fire-proof dle cases for the collector at New York, and

g,.,,?;,,,,fpr ghedirpcidentag deppenses of a change of location of these offices, one or . un re thousand dollars. C¤¤¤¤m-h¤>¤¤¤¤- For annual repairs to custom houses, including a new roof for the Milwaukee custom-house, and repairing the damage by fire, ten thousand dollars. Warehouses, For repairing the government warehouses, wharves, and fences, at g;:;·$*¤*¤¤ Staten Island, fifteen thousand dollars. _ For the salary of a Commissioner and Consul—General to the Republic Hg,'Gfi°“ °° of Hayti, seven thousand five hundred dollars. ,2”I;}b6,.,:_m flip; the sfalarylpf a Cpmrpissioner and Consul—General to the Republic ¤,p. . o 1 eria, our thousand dollars. Draw-kegpers of For compensation of four additional draw-keepers for the two draws at P°’°”‘°° "‘d€°· the Potomac Bridge, three thousand and sixty-six dollars. Pay of Treas- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the Treas- ‘"°" °“h° U"? urer of the United States shall be four thousand dollars a ear t hd Sm"` mence on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-tvho. , 0 com- ` Dsiicipncxfj up- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the {’§gg:"°¤°° °' same are hereby, appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- - two, out of any moneyin the treasury not otherwise appropriated. l Capitol and To supply the deficiency in the appropriation for lighting the Capitol P“M‘° K’°““d°· and public grounds, twelve thousand dollars. _ Act incqrporat- And the act incorporating the “Washington Gas-Light Company " is gr‘§_¥‘,;',ll}"Q,‘§)Qf1‘f hereby so amended as to prohibit the said company from receiving, after pany amended, the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, more than twenty- 1848,ch. 00. eight cents per hundred cubic feet of gas furnished by it to the governv°‘· k- P· 7** ment, and thirty cents to other customers, subject to a discount of not less than ten per centum on all bills for gas, if paid at the office of said company pxthin five days from the rendition thereof) provided all arrears shall ave een previous y pai . Seventheennum To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the seventh census, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be found necessary. .i;:*"C°¤¤l¤- For compensation to Henry K. Brown, James R. Lambdin, and John 1858:0,1. 154. F. Kensett, for thirteen mopths’ service as art commissioners, appointed v,,;_ ,,,_,,_,m_ by the President of the United States under acts of Congress of June 1859, ch, gg, twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, and March third, eivhteen hun- VX3 Kiev- 42:- dread and fiftymine, nine thousand dollars. c ,*1** '° ¤¤ 0 pay the amount due under and b virtue of the ct e t'tl d Erségg T°l°` "An act to facilitate communication betwden the Atlantic hnd Igaicidc lam; eh.:;'!. States by electric telegraph," for the period embraced between November "°`EEZ? S£5f,Y“€’&‘0”2'£SZ?§?,?£“t§§E§{X’$`°’i2“i. J1'i“°.f”"€i"F§’gi*°$"ii““"°“S · - s un re an ir dollars an mntMPhu· fo!"?'·fonr (iané, • n - · I . y · m,phh_ cxpggpsppiy hpsicnency ip the a;pp;-opmatzonf ftp- xrgndeuéagand contgagent i , c mg was age a e min 0 the United States at hiladelplpia, twenty-three thousahd six hundred and forty-three dollars and _ cig y- ourlcents. 0,i,)'u‘“,u°P:':;g°'* For additional expenses in transportation of bullion and coin between u,,;,,, zhe apsay·ofiil;:e and (pale lmmt for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, wen y-one thousand dollars. m,£;°;,‘:}“,‘::‘hn?:’r_ fougpiézmgemtiop of :ss1st;ntdSe§rets(;y of the Interior, per act of e 0 rc ,e1g teen un et -t f f h f 1862, eh. 41, 4 6. March to thirtieth of June, eighteen rhundredsdhgsizty-tix; ehhtlyddrgd A"‘°» P- 869- and seventy-five dollars. ° For compensation of the Assistant Secretary of the Interior during the