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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/774

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7 44 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 78, 79. 1863 to mm nine person who shall have voluntcerell or been drafted for the sorvice of the ¥P°!¤*h¤» md °¤· United Smtes for the term of mnc months, or a shorter period, may eu- ]':;':gt°f°{m`2° list into a, regiment from the same state to serve for the term of one bcunity. year, and any person so enlisting shall be entitled to ano receive a bounty of fifty dollars, to be paid in time and mzm ncr provided by the act of 1861, ch. 9. July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,for the payment of AMG P- 268- the bounty provided for by that act. Supervision of Sm. 8. And be itfurtlaer enacted, That tho ohicers of the medical de- °°°kl“E· pmtment shall unite with the line officers of the army under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by tbe Secretary of War, in supervising the cooking within tho same as an xmportant somtary measure, and that said medical department shall promulgate to its officers snich regulations and instructions as may tend to insure tho proper preparation of the ration of the soldier. Cooks for each Sec. 9. And be it further enaatei That cooks shall bodctailed, m tom, §<;:%:gYf:3 M from the privatcs of ench company of troops m the scrvxcc of the United "*° °"" ‘°S· S;F"‘”’ "‘ "‘°d"2‘° °f TS f3¥°facl’rcfSffIEm$°1`ESi’L£r?JZ'”K$2¥'€h}§’E§ 1; irt men, an wo coo C » whobhall serve ten days each. Each cook to Sm. 10. And be ilfurther enactezi That the President of the United h¤'¤ ¤W¤ ¤¤d¢¤‘· States be, and he is hcrcby, authorized to cause to be enlisted, for each °°°ks' cook, two under-cooks of African descent, who shall rcccivc for their full tiolsfy and m` compensation ten dollars por month, and one ration por day —three dollars of said monthly pay may be in clothing. Pepperm army Sec. 11. And be it furéker enacted, TP? the army ration shzfll 1:;:;; F¤*i°¤· after include pepper, in t c proportion o our ounces to every un r rations. Increase of Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the increase of rank of officcrs,

  • '?,”l:H“”d nglllgér and in the number of oibccrs provided for in this act, shall continue only

2ct°t,,°°::,ng,,uQ° during the existence of the present rebellion; and thereafter the several onllyj during rc- officcns promoted under this act shall have the respective rank they would bd "'“‘ have had if this act had not passed, and the number shall be reduced by the President to the number aut.horlzecl bylaw prion to the passage of this act. Approved, March 3, 1863. 1-. X .— m 'n ppropris ivil Expenses o

 Clliaverrrirlrfenpzr thfgwécgdizgfzneéhioiy, elgllsnmllnéerwwmzdzdghqfrur, audjbc m

Year ending the 30[th] of June, 1868, and for olher Purposes. Be it enacted by ihe Senate and House of Representatives of the Ugaited Civil gugpenses States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums bc, and 'PP'°P"’“‘°“· the same arc hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, got thefiscal year ending the thirticth June, eighteen hundred and sixty- our, viz: Coast survey. Survey of the Coast. — For the surve of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of tho United States, (including compcnzation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and cmoluments of officcrs of the army and navy, and petty officcrs and men of the navy employed on the work,) one huodred and seventy-ciglit thousand dollars.

  • 01* continuing the surve of the western coast of tho United States,

(including compensation of givilinns engaged in the work,) one hundred thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the Florida reefs and keys, (including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and cmoluments of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work,) eleven thousand dollars. For publishing the observations madc in the progress of the survcy of