746 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 79. 1863. ents for the life-saving stations on the coasts of Long Island and New Jersey, three thousand dollars. _ For compensation of fifty-four keepers of stations, at two hundred dollars each, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. • Transient psu- Public Buildings and Grounds. — For support, care, and Imedxcal P°”· treatment of forty transient paupers, medical and_surg1cal patients in some proper medical institution in the city of Washington, to be selected by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, six thousand dollars. P¤bll9md¤ For hire of carts on the public grounds, two thousand dollars. md bm For purchase and repair of tools used in the public grounds, two hundred dollars. For purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replace when necessary such as have been planted by the United States, to whitewash tree-boxes and fences, and to repair pavements in front of the public grounds, three thousand dollars. Repairs of For annual repairs of the Capitol, water-closets, public stables, water- 0*9**]- pipes, pavements, and other walks within the Capitol square, broken glass, and locks, and for the protection of the building, and keeping the main approaches to it unencumbered, eight thousand dollars. Presidenvs For annual repairs of the President’s House and furniture, improve- H¤¤¤¤· ment of grounds, purchase of plants for garden, and contingent expenses incident thereto, six thousand dollars. For fuel, in part, of the President’s House, two thousand four hundred dollars. Li Ming C,,,;- For lighting the Capitol and President’s House, the public grounds wl. gc- around them, and around the executive offices, and Pennsylvania avenue, Bridge and High streets in Georgetown, Four-and-a-half street, Seventh, and Twelfth streets across the mall, sixty-two thousand dollars. New furnaces. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to erect two new furnaces under the rotunda of the Capitol, two under the old Hall of the House, and two under the Supreme Court room and vestibule to the same, five thousand five hundred dollars. Bridges. For repairs of the Potomac, navy yard, and upper bridges, and the roads appurtenant thereto, and to repair the house occupied by the bridge·keeper at the navy yard, and to erect a wing wall to protect the same, eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-five dollars. Av¤¤¤¤· For repairs of Pennsylvania avenue, six thousand dollars. Squares. d lFor public reservation number two and Lafayette square, two thousand o lars. For taking care of the grounds south of the President’s House, cantaining [continuing] the improvement of the same, and replacing trees destroyed last winter and spring by United States cavalry, repairing fences, and other injuries, two thousand dollars. Water pipes. For repairs of water-pipes, five hundred dollars. Sewer traps For cleaning out the sewer-traps on Pennsylvania avenue and repairing the same, three hundred dollars. d gfaor casual repairs of all the furnaces under the Capitol, Eve hundred o rs. For continuing the repairs of Delaware avenue north of the Capitol, one thousand dollars. Paving. For removing back the fence, paving the foot-path on First street between the Capitol grounds and Botanic garden, and making a pavement gplgllprd street on the side of said garden, one thousand two hundred ' For making improvements provided for in the thirteenth section of the city charter, per act of May seventeen, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, tive thousand dollars. For improvement of B street south from Sixth to Seventh street west, Maine avenue from the canal to Sixth street west, and Four-and-a
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