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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/783

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 79. 1863. 753 unavoidable absence of the treasurer of the mint, he may, in his dis- um- or assistant oretiou, authorize the respective chief clerks to actin his place, and to ““‘““’°" discharge all the duties required bylaw of the treasurer of the mint or assistant-treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the chief and other clerks in Dimes °*` °hl°*` the treasury department of the mint shall give such assistance in the glggfnd °°h°r assistant-treasury of the United States at Philadelphia, in the receipt, custody, and disbursement of the public money, as may be required of them by the treasurer, with the same responsibility for the faithful per— formance of such duty as is imposed upon them by the laws in force for the government of the mint and the officers and clerks tliereofl Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the senate Contingent exbe directed to pay, out of the contingent fund, for such extra messengers, P°““°“ °‘” S°"°‘°‘ pages, laborers, and services for the Senate during the present session, as the committee to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate may approve and direct. SEO. 16. And be it further enacted, That an assistant collector of A¤¤i¤¤m¢ ¢=¢>U¤¤· customs shall be appointed at the port of New York, in the mode pre- t§;v°:?g:£’m° “ scribed by law For the appointment of deputy collectors, at an annual com- pay md duties_ pensation of Eve thousand dollars, who shall perform such duties, and exercise such powers now devolved on the collector as may be assigned to him by that officer; and all the official acts of said assistant, in pursuance of such assignment, shall be as valid in law as if performed by the collector himself: Provided, That the collector shall be responsible for the 005- 0¤U¢9f¤¤‘ M b¤ cial acts as aforesaid of said assistant, and that no additional appropria- ;°;°t;°°:,'}”;;?;?S:`:;t ation shall be made for the payment of his compensation. V Sxac. 17. And be it further enacted, That the signztheorps of the army Signal-corps of shall, during the present rebellion, be organized as follows: There shall be :h°¤!“';“Y» °"€'“‘ one chief signal-officer, a colonel, who shall be signa.l·oHioer of the army; n ° ' one lieutenant-colonel; two majors, who shall be inspectors ; and for each army corps or military department there shall be one captain and as many lieutenzmts, not exceeding eight, us the President may deem necessary, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall receive the pay and emoluments of cavalry officers of similar grades; and for each officer of the signabcorps there may be enlisted or detailed one sergeant and six privates, who shall receive the pay of similar grades of engineer soldiers: Provided, that no officer or en- Pmviso. listed man shall be allowed to serve in the signal-corps until he shall have been examined and approved by st military board, to be convened {"or that purpose by the Secretary of War. Sxcc. 18. And be it fur!/ner enacted, That the officers and enlisted men Omcers and herein provided for shall be subject to the rules and articles of war. :°;;’:’:f*:*:{°°* They may be mounted upon horses, the property of the United States, &c_ ’ and shall serve in any military department, or with any forces to which they may be ordered. And officers of the army who may be appointed in this corps may, after the rebellion, be restored to their respective regiments or corps, and receive the same rank and promotion as if they had continued to serve therein. Sec. 19. And be 1`tfurther enacted That there shall be appointed in Clerkstosignalthe office of the signal-oflicer two clerks of class two. And in selecting °m°°'· ofliccrs and men for the organization of the signal-corps, as herein provided, preference shall be given to such as have served fz-xithfully, or as are now serving in the acting signal·c0rps of the army. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That, in order to allow time for Omeei-s may their thorough examination, the President may appoint the officers au- ;’;c:;¥’;’l'g:g ‘“ thorizcd by this act during the recess of Congress; which appointments gms_ shall be submitted to the Senate at their next session for their advice and consent. Sec. 21. And be it jbrther enacted, That the sum of thirteen thousand Bridges and VOL. xu. PUB. ·— 95