Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1883

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[120 STAT. 1852]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1852]

120 STAT. 1852



Public meetings.


VerDate 14-DEC-2004

13:05 Jul 12, 2007

PUBLIC LAW 109–338—OCT. 12, 2006

‘‘(A) identification of the geographic boundaries of the corridor; ‘‘(B) a brief description and map of the corridor’s overall concept or vision that show key sites, visitor facilities and attractions, and physical linkages; ‘‘(C) identification of overall goals and the strategies and tasks intended to reach them, and a realistic schedule for completing the tasks; ‘‘(D) a listing of the key resources and themes of the corridor; ‘‘(E) identification of parties proposed to be responsible for carrying out the tasks; ‘‘(F) a financial plan and other information on costs and sources of funds; ‘‘(G) a description of the public participation process used in developing the plan and a proposal for public participation in the implementation of the management plan; ‘‘(H) a mechanism and schedule for updating the plan based on actual progress; ‘‘(I) a bibliography of documents used to develop the management plan; and ‘‘(J) a discussion of any other relevant issues relating to the management plan. ‘‘(b) DISQUALIFICATION FROM FUNDING.—If a proposed management plan is not submitted to the Secretary within 2 years after the date that Federal funds are made available for this purpose, the Association shall be ineligible to receive additional funds under this title until the Secretary receives a proposed management plan from the Association. ‘‘(c) APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT PLAN.—The Secretary shall approve or disapprove a proposed management plan submitted under this title not later than 180 days after receiving such proposed management plan. If action is not taken by the Secretary within the time period specified in the preceding sentence, the management plan shall be deemed approved. The Secretary shall consult with the local entities representing the diverse interests of the corridor including governments, natural and historic resource protection organizations, educational institutions, businesses, recreational organizations, community residents, and private property owners prior to approving the management plan. The Association shall conduct semi-annual public meetings, workshops, and hearings to provide adequate opportunity for the public and local and governmental entities to review and to aid in the preparation and implementation of the management plan. ‘‘(d) EFFECT OF APPROVAL.—Upon the approval of the management plan as provided in subsection (c), the management plan shall supersede the conceptual plan contained in the National Park Service report. ‘‘(e) ACTION FOLLOWING DISAPPROVAL.—If the Secretary disapproves a proposed management plan within the time period specified in subsection (c), the Secretary shall advise the Association in writing of the reasons for the disapproval and shall make recommendations for revisions to the proposed management plan. ‘‘(f) APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS.—The Secretary shall review and approve all substantial amendments (including any increase of more than 20 percent in the cost estimates for implementation)

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