Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3051

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124 STAT. 3025 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 department or agency under which those vessels operate concurs in that application. (B) LIMITATION FOR COMBAT-RELATED VESSEL.— Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to combat-related vessels. SEC. 1013. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. (a) IN GENERAL.—Unless otherwise specified in this title, with respect to a vessel, the Secretary shall administer and enforce the Convention and this title. (b) ADMINISTRATOR.—Except with respect to section 1031(b) and (c), the Administrator shall administer and enforce subtitle C. (c) REGULATIONS.—The Administrator and the Secretary may each prescribe and enforce regulations as may be necessary to carry out their respective responsibilities under this title. SEC. 1014. COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAW. Any action taken under this title shall be taken in accordance with treaties to which the United States is a party and other international obligations of the United States. SEC. 1015. UTILIZATION OF PERSONNEL, FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT OF OTHER FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES. The Secretary and the Administrator may utilize by agreement, with or without reimbursement, personnel, facilities, or equipment of other Federal departments and agencies in administering the Convention, this title, or any regulations prescribed under this title. Subtitle B—Implementation of the Convention SEC. 1021. CERTIFICATES. (a) CERTIFICATE REQUIRED.—On entry into force of the Conven- tion for the United States, any vessel of at least 400 gross tons that engages in one or more international voyages (except fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs) shall carry an Inter- national Antifouling System Certificate. (b) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE.—On entry into force of the Convention, on a finding that a successful survey required by the Convention has been completed, a vessel of at least 400 gross tons that engages in at least one international voyage (except fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs) shall be issued an International Antifouling System Certificate. The Secretary may issue the Certificate required by this section. The Secretary may delegate this authority to an organization that the Secretary deter- mines is qualified to undertake that responsibility. (c) MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATE.—The Certificate required by this section shall be maintained as required by the Secretary. (d) CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY OTHER PARTY COUNTRIES.—A Cer- tificate issued by any country that is a party to the Convention has the same validity as a Certificate issued by the Secretary under this section. (e) VESSELS OF NONPARTY COUNTRIES.—Notwithstanding sub- section (a), a vessel of at least 400 gross tons, having the nationality of or entitled to fly the flag of a country that is not a party 33 USC 3821.