Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3681

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124 STAT. 3655 PUBLIC LAW 111–347—JAN. 2, 2011 year 2011 and each calendar quarter in fiscal years 2012 through 2015 the full contribution amount under this subparagraph shall be equal to 10 percent of the expendi- tures in carrying out this title for the respective quarter and with respect to calendar quarters in fiscal year 2016, such full contribution amount shall be equal to 1⁄9 of the Federal expenditures in carrying out this title for the respective quarter. ‘‘(C) SATISFACTION OF PAYMENT OBLIGATION.—The pay- ment obligation under such contract may not be satisfied through any of the following: ‘‘(i) An amount derived from Federal sources. ‘‘(ii) An amount paid before the date of the enact- ment of this title. ‘‘(iii) An amount paid to satisfy a judgment or as part of a settlement related to injuries or illnesses arising out of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ‘‘(D) TIMING OF CONTRIBUTION.—The payment obliga- tion under such contract for a calendar quarter in a fiscal year shall be paid not later than the last day of the second succeeding calendar quarter. ‘‘(E) COMPLIANCE.— ‘‘(i) INTEREST FOR LATE PAYMENT.—If New York City fails to pay to the WTC Program Administrator pursuant to such contract the amount required for any calendar quarter by the day specified in subpara- graph (D), interest shall accrue on the amount not so paid at the rate (determined by the Administrator) based on the average yield to maturity, plus 1 percent- age point, on outstanding municipal bonds issued by New York City with a remaining maturity of at least 1 year. ‘‘(ii) RECOVERY OF AMOUNTS OWED.—The amounts owed to the WTC Program Administrator under such contract shall be recoverable by the United States in an action in the same manner as payments made under title XVIII of the Social Security Act may be recover- able in an action brought under section 1862(b)(2)(B)(iii) of such Act. ‘‘(F) DEPOSIT IN FUND.—The WTC Program Administer shall deposit amounts paid under such contract into the World Trade Center Health Program Fund under section 3351. ‘‘(2) PAYMENT OF NEW YORK CITY SHARE OF MONITORING AND TREATMENT COSTS.—With respect to each calendar quarter for which a contribution is required by New York City under the contract under paragraph (1), the WTC Program Adminis- trator shall— ‘‘(A) provide New York City with an estimate of such amount of the required contribution at the beginning of such quarter and with an updated estimate of such amount at the beginning of each of the subsequent 2 quarters; ‘‘(B) bill such amount directly to New York City; and ‘‘(C) certify periodically, for purposes of this subsection, whether or not New York City has paid the amount so billed. Certification. Deadline.