Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3987

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124 STAT. 3961 PUBLIC LAW 111–353—JAN. 4, 2011 list of all accredited third-party auditors accredited by such body and the audit agents of such auditors. ‘‘(C) REVOCATION OF RECOGNITION AS AN ACCREDITA- TION BODY.—The Secretary shall promptly revoke the rec- ognition of any accreditation body found not to be in compli- ance with the requirements of this section. ‘‘(D) REINSTATEMENT.—The Secretary shall establish procedures to reinstate recognition of an accreditation body if the Secretary determines, based on evidence presented by such accreditation body, that revocation was inappro- priate or that the body meets the requirements for recogni- tion under this section. ‘‘(2) MODEL ACCREDITATION STANDARDS.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, the Secretary shall develop model stand- ards, including requirements for regulatory audit reports, and each recognized accreditation body shall ensure that third- party auditors and audit agents of such auditors meet such standards in order to qualify such third-party auditors as accredited third-party auditors under this section. In developing the model standards, the Secretary shall look to standards in place on the date of the enactment of this section for guid- ance, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts and costs. ‘‘(c) THIRD-PARTY AUDITORS.— ‘‘(1) REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCREDITATION AS A THIRD-PARTY AUDITOR.— ‘‘(A) FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS.—Prior to accrediting a foreign government or an agency of a foreign government as an accredited third-party auditor, the accreditation body (or, in the case of direct accreditation under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), the Secretary) shall perform such reviews and audits of food safety programs, systems, and standards of the government or agency of the government as the Secretary deems necessary, including requirements under the model standards developed under subsection (b)(2), to determine that the foreign government or agency of the foreign government is capable of adequately ensuring that eligible entities or foods certified by such government or agency meet the requirements of this Act with respect to food manufactured, processed, packed, or held for import into the United States. ‘‘(B) FOREIGN COOPERATIVES AND OTHER THIRD PAR- TIES.—Prior to accrediting a foreign cooperative that aggre- gates the products of growers or processors, or any other third party to be an accredited third-party auditor, the accreditation body (or, in the case of direct accreditation under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), the Secretary) shall perform such reviews and audits of the training and qualifications of audit agents used by that cooperative or party and conduct such reviews of internal systems and such other investigation of the cooperative or party as the Secretary deems necessary, including requirements under the model standards developed under subsection (b)(2), to determine that each eligible entity certified by the cooperative or party has systems and standards in use to ensure that such entity or food meets the requirements of this Act. Deadline. Procedures.