Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/622

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124 STAT. 596 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (A) IN GENERAL.—The initial high priority topics described in this paragraph include each of the following: (i) Integrated health care workforce planning that identifies health care professional skills needed and maximizes the skill sets of health care professionals across disciplines. (ii) An analysis of the nature, scopes of practice, and demands for health care workers in the enhanced information technology and management workplace. (iii) An analysis of how to align Medicare and Medicaid graduate medical education policies with national workforce goals. (iv) The education and training capacity, projected demands, and integration with the health care delivery system of each of the following: (I) Nursing workforce capacity at all levels. (II) Oral health care workforce capacity at all levels. (III) Mental and behavioral health care workforce capacity at all levels. (IV) Allied health and public health care workforce capacity at all levels. (V) Emergency medical service workforce capacity, including the retention and recruitment of the volunteer workforce, at all levels. (VI) The geographic distribution of health care providers as compared to the identified health care workforce needs of States and regions. (B) FUTURE DETERMINATIONS.—The Commission may require that additional topics be included under subpara- graph (A). The appropriate committees of Congress may recommend to the Commission the inclusion of other topics for health care workforce development areas that require special attention. (5) GRANT PROGRAM.—The Commission shall— (A) review implementation progress reports on, and report to Congress about, the State Health Care Workforce Development Grant program established in section 5102; (B) in collaboration with the Department of Labor and in coordination with the Department of Education and other relevant Federal agencies, make recommendations to the fiscal and administrative agent under section 5102(b) for grant recipients under section 5102; (C) assess the implementation of the grants under such section; and (D) collect performance and report information, including identified models and best practices, on grants from the fiscal and administrative agent under such section and distribute this information to Congress, relevant Fed- eral agencies, and to the public. (6) STUDY.—The Commission shall study effective mecha- nisms for financing education and training for careers in health care, including public health and allied health. (7) RECOMMENDATIONS.—The Commission shall submit rec- ommendations to Congress, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services about improving Review. Reports.