Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/650

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124 STAT. 624 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(8) MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT.—A geriatric education center that receives an award under this subsection shall provide assurances to the Secretary that funds provided to the geriatric education center under this subsection will be used only to supplement, not to supplant, the amount of Federal, State, and local funds otherwise expended by the geriatric education center. ‘‘(9) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—In addition to any other funding available to carry out this section, there is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection, $10,800,000 for the period of fiscal year 2011 through 2014. ‘‘(e) GERIATRIC CAREER INCENTIVE AWARDS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall award grants or contracts under this section to individuals described in para- graph (2) to foster greater interest among a variety of health professionals in entering the field of geriatrics, long-term care, and chronic care management. ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS.—To be eligible to received an award under paragraph (1), an individual shall— ‘‘(A) be an advanced practice nurse, a clinical social worker, a pharmacist, or student of psychology who is pursuing a doctorate or other advanced degree in geriatrics or related fields in an accredited health professions school; and ‘‘(B) submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. ‘‘(3) CONDITION OF AWARD.—As a condition of receiving an award under this subsection, an individual shall agree that, following completion of the award period, the individual will teach or practice in the field of geriatrics, long-term care, or chronic care management for a minimum of 5 years under guidelines set by the Secretary. ‘‘(4) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is author- ized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection, $10,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2011 through 2013.’’. (b) EXPANSION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR GERIATRIC ACADEMIC CAREER AWARDS; PAYMENT TO INSTITUTION.—Section 753(c) of the Public Health Service Act 294(c)) is amended— (1) by redesignating paragraphs (4) and (5) as paragraphs (5) and (6), respectively; (2) by striking paragraph (2) through paragraph (3) and inserting the following: ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS.—To be eligible to receive an Award under paragraph (1), an individual shall— ‘‘(A) be board certified or board eligible in internal medicine, family practice, psychiatry, or licensed dentistry, or have completed any required training in a discipline and employed in an accredited health professions school that is approved by the Secretary; ‘‘(B) have completed an approved fellowship program in geriatrics or have completed specialty training in geri- atrics as required by the discipline and any addition geri- atrics training as required by the Secretary; and ‘‘(C) have a junior (non-tenured) faculty appointment at an accredited (as determined by the Secretary) school of medicine, osteopathic medicine, nursing, social work, 42 USC 294c. Grants. Contracts.