628 TREATY WITH THE KICKAPOO INDIANS. JUNE 28, 1862 Reservation ARTICLE XIV. It is further agreed that all rights, title, and interest or 'ggaggtxsu the Kickapocsin their present reservation shall cease, and the same is ' hereby ceded to and vested in the United States, subject to the limitations and for the purposes herein expressed and provided for. lnconsistent ARTICLE XV. Any stipulation in former treaties inconsistent with those
- x;*
- ~‘*¤°¤S °*` **0 embraced in the foregoing articles shall be of no force or effect.
mm Ofrejw ARTICLE XVI. Should the Senate reject or amend any of the fore-
- .,,,, 3,.,,, 0;,,,,, going articles, such rejection or amendment shall not affect the other progal; ¤f this visions of this treaty, but the same shall go into effect when ratified and
' approve . Signature- In testimony whereof, the said Charles B. Keith, commissioner as aforesaid, and the undersigned chiefs, headmen, and delegates of the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place, on the day, and in the year hereinbefore written. CHARLES B. KEITH, [san,.] Oommissioner on behalf of the United States. CHIEF PAR-THEE, or the Elk Chief, his x mark. [SEAL.] CHIEF PAII-KAH-KAH, or John Kennekuk, his x mark. ESEAL.] CHIEF MACK-A-TAIR-CHEE-QUA, or Black Thunder, his x mark. [SEAL. KEN-NE-KUK, or Stephen Pen-sion-eau, ] . his x mark. [sEAL.] MAH-MAH-SHE—COW-AH, or Bear Track, her x mark. [SEAL.] PET- TI-QUAUK, or Rolling Thunder, his x mark. [sam,.] JOHN C. ANDERSON, [SEAL.] TOTH-WAY, or Frank Cadue, his x mark. [SEAL.] Executed in presence ot'- J 0nN E. BADGEE. H. C. Prmsnn. NELSON S. SHALER. PASCHALL PENs10NEAU, his x mark, U. S. Interpreter. W. D. BARNETT, witness to signature of Pasclzall Pensioneau. wkjggggéut And whereas, the foregoing treaty having been submitted to the Senate ` of the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- three, advise and consent to the ratification of the same by resolution, and with an amendment in the words and figures following, to wit: IN ExEcUT1vE SESSION, SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, March 13th, 1863. Resolved (two thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the “Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Agency of the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians, on the 28th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, by and between Charles B. Keith, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs, headmen, and delegates of the Kickapoo nation, - on behalf of said nation," with the ..d... *°¤“¤w·¤g AMENDMENTS! SM was 15· Article 1, line 15, ader “ the ” strike out “Commissioner of Indian Affairs," and insert in lieu thereof: Secretary of the Interior