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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/659

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CONVENTION WITH ECUADOR. Novmmsmz 25, 1862. 631 TREATIES. Oonvention between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador; Ooncluded at Guayaquib November 25, 1862; Ratiyied by the President of the United States, February 13, 1863; Ratqfcations exchanged at Quito, July 27, 1864; Proclaimed by the President of the United States, September 8, 1864. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Nov. 25, 1862. A PROCLAMATION. Wmsnnas a Convention between the United States of America and the Preamble- Republic of Ecuador, for the mutual adjustment of claims, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at the city of Guayaquil, on the twenty-fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows : — The United States of America and La Republica del Ecuador y los C9¤m°¤¤5 the Republic of Ecuador, desiring to Estados Unidos de América, desc- Pam°s' adjust the claims of citizens of said ando atender a las reclamaciones de States against Ecuador, and of citi- ciudadanos del Ecuador contra los zens of Ecuador against the United Estados Unidos y de ciudadanos de States, have, for that purpose, ap- los Estados Unidos contra el Ecuapointed and conferred full powers, dor, han nombrado con el enunciado respectively, to wit: The President objeto, y conferido plenos poderes ; of the United States on Frederick el Presidente del Ecuador a Juan Hassaurek, Minister Resident of José Flores, General en Jefe de los the United States in Ecuador, and ejércitos de la Republica, y el Presithe President of Ecuador on Juan dente de los Estados Unidos a Fed- José Flores, General-in-Chief of the erico Hassanrek, Ministro Residente Armies of the Republic, who, after de los Estados Unidos en el Ecuaexchanging their full powers, which dor, quienes, despues de haber canwere found in good and proper form, jeado sus plenos poderes y de halhave agreed on the following arti- larlos en debida forma, han convecles : — nido en los articulos siguientes : -— ARTICLE 1. ARTICULO 1. ,A1l claims on the part of corpora- Las reclamaciones de particulares, hclaims l;¢*WF¢¤ tions, companies, or individuals, citi- compaiias, 6 corporaciones del Ec- gaitiegzg Ting? zens of the United States, upon the uador contra los Estados Unidos, 6 ferred to comgovernment of Ecuador, or of cor- las de particulares, compafiias 6 cor- m*”‘°“°'“· porations, companies, or individuals, poraciones de los Estados Unidos citizens of Ecuador, upon the gov- contra el Ecuador se someteran al ernment of the United States, shall examen y decision de una comision be referred to a Board of Commis— compuesta de dos individuos nomsioners, consisting of two members, brados, el uno por el Gobierno del