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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/670

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642 CONVENTION WITH PERU. JANUARY 12, 1863. after the expiration of said month, mes estipulado, se pagara el interes w%*:°'§$»"l¤°¤ the sum of six per cent. interest legal de seis por ciento sobre la can- P ° shall be paid during such time as tidad, mientras dure la demora. said delay shall continue. ARTICLE VII. ABTICUL0 VII. For the purpose of facilitating Con el objeto de facilitar los trathe labors of the mixed commission, bajos de la Comision Mixta cada each government shall appoint a Gobierno nombrara. un Secretario Secretary to secretary to assist in the transaction para que auxilie 5. los Comisionados um °°'”““”*°“· of their business and to keep a. rec- en sus trabajos y lleve la acta reord of their proceedings, and for the spectiva; para el mode dc organi- Ruis, ofbusi. conduct of their business said com- zar sus trabajos y procedimientos MSS- missioners are authorized to make los Comisionados estan autorizados all necessary rules. para dictar las reglas. ARTICLE VIH. ARTIGULO VIII. Decisions isb.; The decisions of this commission, Las decisiones de la Comision 6 mm}- or of the umpire in case of adif- del Tercero, en caso de discordia ference between the commissioners, entre los Comisionados, seran conshall be final and conclusive, and cluyentes y Hnales, y se llevaran a shall be carried into full effect by debido efecto por las dos partes con- Commissiou the two contracting parties. The tratantes. La Comision terminara. §:‘;°;:°;‘::g::°“ commission shall terminate its la- sus trabajos seis meses despues del ` bors in six months from and includ- dia de su organizacion, inclusive ing the day of its organization; pro- aquel; sin embargo si al tiempo vided, however, if at the time stip- estipulado para la terminacion de nlated for the termination of said sus trabajos hay algunos puntos commission, any case or cases should pendientes ante el Tercero en dispecision otjum- be pending before the umpire and cordia, queda entendido y conve- P'" °” P‘*“d'“€ awaitinv his decision, it is under- nido por las dos partes eontratantes, cases may be ° . mad., w,,;,,,, stood and agreed by the two con- que el mencionado Tercero queda thirty days after. tracting parties, that said umpire is autorizado para emitir su decision é authorized to proceed and make his bando, y presentara al Gobierno el decision or award in such case or valor de la. indemnizaeion, si esta cases, and upon his reportthereof se decreta, y este bando sera el to each of the two governments, final y conclusion del mismo modo mentioning the amount of indemni- que si hubiera sido expedido por ty, if such shall have been allowed los Comisionados en sus acuerdos. by him, such award shall be final Esta decision sin embargo sera exand conclusive in the same manner pedida por el Tercero treinta dias as if it had been made by the com- despues de la nltima sesion de la missioners under their own agree- mencionada. Comision ; y despues de ment; provided that said decision este plazo estipulado de treinta dias, shall be made by said umpire within cesan los poderes y el encargo del thirty days after the final adjourn- Tercero en Discordia. ment of said commission, and at the expiration of the said thirty days, the power and authority hereby granted to said umpire shall cease. ARTICLE IX. ARTICUL0 IX. Exnen es of Each government shall pay its Cada Gobierno pagara sus C0-

  • °Hf;'E;“§;;°*;•°W own commissioners and secretary, misionados y Secretario; pero el

to bg ,,§,id_ ’ but the umpire shall be paid, one half Tercero en Discordia sera pagado, la by the Government of the United . mitad por el Gobicrno del Peru y