CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. MAY 20. 1863. 647 Convention between the United States of America and Ms Mcy`esty the Eng of the Belgioms ; Dated at Brussels, May 20, 1863; Rattjied, March 6, 1864; Exehanged, June 24, 1864; Proclaimed (gy the President of the United States, November 18, 1864. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. May 20, 1863. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a convention between the United States of America and his Preamble. Majesty the King of the Belgians, to complete by new stipulations the treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and Belgium, of the seventeenth of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, was Vol. xii. p. 1043. concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at Brussels, on the twentieth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, which convention, being in the English and French languages, is word for word, as follows:- The President of the United States Le President des Etats-Unis Contracting of America, on the one side, his d’Amérique, d’une part, et Sa Ma- P‘“`t‘°S‘ Majesty the King of the Belgians, jesté le Roi des Belges, d’autre part, on the other side, having deemed it ayant jugé utile de completer par de advantageous to complete, by new nouvelles stipulations le traité de stipulations, the treaty of commerce commerce et de navigation signe and navigation entered into by the entre les Etats-Unis et la Belgique United States and Belgium on the le dix-sept Juillet mil huit cent einseventeenth day of July, eighteen quante huit, ont résolu de conelure hundred and fifty-eight, have re- une convention additionnelle a cet solved to make a convention in ad- arrangement et ont nomme pour dition to that arrangement, and have leurs Plenipotentiaires, savoir : — appointed for their plenipotentiaries, namely:- ThePresidentof theUnited States, Le President des Etats-Unis, Henry Shelton Sanford, a citizen of Henri Shelton Sanford, citoyen des the United States, their minister TGS- Etats-Unis, son Ministre Resident ident near his Majesty the King of pres Sa Majeste le Roi des Belges; the Belgians; his Majesty the King Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, le of the Belgians, the Sieur Charles Sieur Charles Rogier, Grand Oth- Rogier, grand officer of the Order cier de l’Ordre de Leopold, décoré of Leopold, decorated with the iron de la Croix de Fer, Grand Cordon cross, grand cross of the order of des Ordres de la Branche Ernestine the Ernestine Branch of Saxony, de Saxe, de l’Etoile Polaire, des of the Polar Star of St. Maurice SS. Maurice et Lazare, de Notre and St. Lazarus, of Our Lady of the Dame de la Conception de Villa- Conception of Villa-Vicosa, of the Vicosa, de la Legion d’Honneur et Legion of Honor, of the White Eagle, de 1’Aigle Blanc, &a., Membre de &e., a member of the Chamber of la Chambre des Representants, son Representatives, his minister of for- Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, leseign aifairs; who, after having com- quels, apres s’etre communiqué leurs municated to each other their full pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et powers, found to be in good and due forme, sont convenus des artiproper form, have agreed upon the cies suivants:— following articles :-—
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