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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/680

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652 TREATY WITH GREAT BRITAIN. JULY 1, 1863. ` those rights and claims to the government of the United States for an adequate money consideration : It is hereby agreed that the United States of America and her Britannic Majesty shall, within twelve months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, appoint each a commissioner for the purpose of examining and deciding upon all claims arising out of the provisions of the above-quoted articles of the treaty of June 15, 1846. Commissioners Anrrcrn II. The commissioners mentioned in the preceding article

  • °5¤;¤* ‘;;*;’°» shall, at the earliest convenient period after they shall haye been respecgzaliélg; ° tively named, meet at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia,

and shall, before proceeding to any business, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide, to the best of their judgment, and according to justice and equity, without fear, favor, or aliection to their own country, all the matters referred to them for their decision, and such declaration shall be entered on the record of their proceedings. _ _ to mma an The commissioners shall then proceed to name an arbitrator or umpire umpire. to decide upon any case or cases on which they may differ in opinion; and if they cannot agree in the selection, the said arbitrator or umpire If they do not shall be appointed by the King of Italy, whom the two high contracting ¤g¤‘¤¤.Ki¤g 9f parties shall invite to make such appointment, and whose selection shall

 w ”‘pp°"" be conclusive on both parties. The person so to be chosen shall, before

Umpire to be proceeding to act, maker and subscribe a solemn declaration, in a form

  • 1“¤lm°d· similar to that which shall already have been made and subscribed by the

commissioners, which declaration shall also be entered on the record of Y¤¢¤D¢Y ii} the proceedings. In the event of the death, absence, or incapacity of g§‘;°6‘Kc§f“p1r°’ such person, or of his omitting or declining or ceasing to act as such arbitrator or umpire, another person shall be named, in the manner aforesaid, to act in his place or stead, and shall make and subscribe such declaration as aforesaid. Decisiqn vf The United States of America and her Britannic Majesty engage to

 consider the decision of the two commissioners conjointly, or of the

° arbitrator or umpire, as the case may be, as final and conclusive on the matters to be referred to their decision, and forthwith to give full effect t0 the same. Raw,-ds oem,- Anrrcrn III. The commissioners and the arbitrator or umpire shall ceedinzs tv be keep accurate records and correct minutes or notes of all their proceedkm' ings, with the dates thereof, and shall appoint and employ such clerk or Clerks- clerks or other persons as they shall find necessary to assist them in the transaction of the business which may come before them. Salaries. The salaries of the commissioners and of the clerk or clerks shall be paid by their respective governments. The salary of the arbitrator or umpire and the contingent expensesshall be defrayed in equal moieties by the two governments. Awards of com- ARTICLE IV. All sums of money which may be awarded by the com- ';:fj‘;’;‘€;;3’,_b° missioners, or by the arbitrator or umpire, on account of any claim, shall ments. be paid by the one government to the other in two equal annual instalments, whereof the first shall be paid within twelve months after the date of the award, and the second within twenty-four months after the date of imiiieations, the award, without interest, and without any deduction whatever. gba; :231;*;*;; ARTIGLB V. The present treaty shall be ratified, and the mutual exchange of ratifications shall take place in Washington, in twelve months Signature- from the date hereof, or earlier, if possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty, and have hereunto afiixed our seals. Done in duplicate, at Washington, the first day of July, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. {L. s.} LYON S. 1.. s.