TREATY WITH BELGIUM. JULY 20, 1863. 655 Treaty between the United States ofAmemIca and his Majesty the Eng of the Belgium ; Exti 'shment q" the Scheldt dues ,· Dated at Brussels, July 20, 1863; Jlhrch 5, 1864; Ercbanged, June 24, 1864; Proclaimed by the President, November 18, 1864. BY TE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. July 20, 1863. A PROCLAMATION. Wmszmus a treaty between the United States of America and his Preamble. Majesty the King of the Belgians, for the extinguishment of the Scheldt dues, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentaries, at Brussels, on the twentieth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, which treaty, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows : — The United States of America Les Etats—Unis d’Amérique et sa Ccntracting and his Majesty the King of the Majesté le Roi des Belges égale- P"“°“‘ Belgians, equally desirous of liber- ment animés du désir de libérer a ating forever the navigation of the jamais la navigation de 1’Escaut du Scheldt from the dues which encum- péage qui la greve, d’assurer la ré- ber it, to assure the reformation of forme des taxes maritimes pergues the maritime taxes levied in Bel- en Belgique et de faciliter par la le gium, and to facilitate thereby the développement du commerce et de la development of trade and naviga- navigation, ont résolu de conclure tion, have resolved to conclude a un traité complétant la convention treaty to complete the convention signée le vingt Mai mil huit cent signed on the 20th of May, 1863, soixante trois entre les Etats-Unis between the United States and Bel- et la Belgique, et ont nommé pour gium, and have appointed as their leurs plénipotentiaires, savoir: Le _Plenipotentiaplenipotentiaries, namely: The Pres- President des Etats-Unis d’Amé- ¤°¤· ident of the United States of Amer- rique, Henri Shelton Sanford, citoyen ica, Henry Shelton Sanford, a citi- des Etats-Unis, leur ministre résizen of the United States, their min- dent pres sa Majesté le Roi des ister resident to his Majesty the Belges, et sa Majesté le Roi des King of the Belgians; and his Maj- Belges, le Sieur Charles Rogier, esty the King of the Belgians, Mr. grand officier del’Ordre de Léopold, Charles Rogier, grand officer of the décoré de la croix de Fer, &a, &a, Order of Leopold, decorated with &a, son ministre des affaires étranthe iron cross, &c., &c., &c., his min- geres; lesquels, apres avoir échaugé ister of foreign affairs; who, after leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en having exchanged their full powers, bonne et due forme, sont convenus found to be in good and due form, des articles suivants :—- have agreed upon the following articlesz- Axrxonn 1. Amrrcnn 1:. The high contracting parties take Les hautes parties contractantes Scheldt dues note of, and record : — prennent acte : — "“°“°°d‘ 1st. The treaty concluded on the 1° du traité conclu le douze Mai twelfth of May, eighteen hundred mil huit cent soixante trois entre la
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