TREATY WITH BELGIUM. JULY 20, 1863. 657 ARTICLE Iv. ARTICLE Iv. In regard to the proportion of the En ce qui concerne la quote-part Proportion of United States in the capital sum of des Etats-Unis dans le capital de **1* Unimd the extinguishment of the Scheldt rachat du péage de l’Eseaut, ainsi Sims' dues, and the manner, place, and que le mode, le lieu, et l’époque du time of the payment thereof, refer- paiement de cette quote-part, les ence is made by the high contracting hautes parties contractantes se ré- parties to the convention of the twen- ferent a la convention du vingt Mai tieth of May, eighteen hundred and mil huit cent soixante trois. sixty-three. ARTICLE v. ARTICLE v. The execution of the reciprocal L’exécution des engagements re- EX•¤¤¤*»i¤¤ of engagements contained in the pres- ciproques contenus dans le présentthist'°°ty‘ ent treaty is made subordinate, in so traité est subordonnée, en tant que far as is necessary, to the formalities de besoin, a Paccomplissement des and rules established by the consti- formalités et regles établies par les tutional laws of the high contracting lois constitutionelles des hautes parparties. ties contractantes. ARTICLE v1. ARTICLE vr. It is well understood that-the pro- Il est bien entendu que les disposi- Q`*i°l° Ig- °° visions of Article 3 will only be- tions de l’art. 3 ne seront obligatoires gptgtéfo W at obligatory with respect to the State qu’ a l’égard de 1’état qui a pris part which has taken part in, or those ou de ceux qui adhéreront au traité which shall adhere to, the treaty of de ce jour, sa Majesté le Roi des this day, the King of the Belgians Belges se réservant expressément le reserving to himself expressly the droit de régler le traitement fiscal et right to establish the manner of douanier des navires appartenant treatment as to fiscal and customs aux états qui resteront en dehors de regulations of vessels belonging to ce traité. States which shall not be parties to this treaty. ABTIGLE VII. ARTICLE VII. The present treaty shall be rati- Le present traite sera ratiiié et les g€°l;’}¤€° °f lied, and the ratiiications thereof ratiiications en scront échangées a m °°H°°s° shall be exchanged at Brussels, with Bruxelles, dans le plus court délai the least possible delay. possible. In faith whereof, the respective En foi de quoi les plénipotenplenipotentiaries have signed the tiaires respectifs l’ont signé `en dousame in duplicate, and affixed there- ble original et y ont apposé leurs to their seals. cachets; Done at Brussels, the twentieth Fait a Bruxelles, le vingtieme DSR- day of July, eighteen hundred and jour du mois de Juillet mil huit sixty-three. cent soixante trois. H. S. SANFORD. [L. s.] OH. ROGIER. [1.. s.'|
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