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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/688

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660 TREATY WITH BELGIUM. JULY 20, 1863. tiaries above named have signed the aires susdits Pont eigné et y ont apsame and affixed their seals. pose leur cacbet. Done at the Hague the 12th May, Fait é. La Haye le 12 Mai, 1863. 1863. BARON DU JARDIN. [L. s.] BARON DU JARDIN. [L. s.] P. VANDER MAESEN P. VANDER MAESEN DE SOMBREFF. [L. s.] DE SOMBREFF. [L. s.] THORBECKE. [L. s.] THORBECKE. [L. s.] BETZ. [L. s.] BETZ. [L. s.] [Translation.] Pmwcol. Protocol of July 15, 1863, annexed Protocols clu 15 Juillct, 1863, annexé to the treaty of July 20, 1863. au traité du 20 Juilkt, 1863. The plenipotentiaries undersigned, Les plénipotentiaires soussignes having come together in conference s’étant reunis en conference pour to determine the general treaty rela- arreter le traite general relatif au tive to the redemption of the Scheldt rachat du peage de l’Escaut, et ayant dues, and having judged it useful, jugé utile, avant de formuler cet before drawing up this arrangement arrangement, de s’eclairer sur la in due form, to be enlightened with portee du trait conclu le 12 Mai, respect to the treaty concluded the 1863, entre la Belgique et les Pays 12th of May, 1863, between Bel- Bas ont resolu d’inviter le ministre gium and Holland, have resolved, to des Pays Bas a prendre place a cet this end, to invite the minister of the effet dans la conference. Netherlands to take a place in the conference. The plenipotentiary of the Neth- Le plenipotentiaire des Pays Bas erlands presented himself in re- a bien voulu se rendre at cette invisponse to this invitation, and made tation et a. fait la declaration suithe following declaration : — vante : — " The undersigned, envoy extraor- Le soussigne, envoyé extraordidinary and minister plenipotentiary naire et ministre plenipotentiaire de of his Majesty the King of the Neth- sa Majesté le Roi des Pays Bas, erlands, declares, in virtue of the spe- declare, en vertu des pouvoirs special powers which have been deliv- ciaux qui lui ont ete délivres, que la ered to him, that the extinguishment suppression du peage de l’Escaut, of the Scheldt dues, consented to by consentie par son august souverain, his august sovereign in the treaty of dans le traite du 12 Mai, s’applique the 12th May, applies to all ilags; a tous les pavillons, que ce peage that these dues can never be rees- ne pourra etre retabli sous une forme tablished in any form whatsoever; quelconque, et que cette suppresand that this extinguishment shall sion ne portera aucune atteinte aux not affect in any way the other pro- autres dispositions du traite du 19 visions of the treaty of the 19th Avril, 1839. April, 1839. “BARON GERICKE D’HER— Bruxelles, le 15 Juillet, 1863. WYNEN. BARON GERICKE D’HER— “ Brussels, July 15, 1863.” WYNEN. Note has been taken and record Il a ete pris acte de cette declaramade of this declaration, which shall tion, qui sera inseree ou annexée au be inserted in or annexed to the traite general. general treaty. Done at Brussels, the 15th July, Fait a Bruxelles, le 15 Juillet, 1863. 1863. BARON GERICKE D’HER— BARON GERICKE D’HER— WYNEN. [L. s.] WYNEN. [L. s.]