668 TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWA INDIANS. OCTOBER 2, 1863. Peymentfor Aarionn III. In consideration of the foregoing cession, the United 1°°d° °°ded' States agree to pay to the said Bed Lake and Pembina. bands of Chippewa Indians the following sums, to wit: Twenty thousand dollars per See Post, page annum for twenty years; the said sum to be distributed among the Chip- 49- pewa Indians of the said bands in equal amounts per capita, and for this purpose an accurate enumeration and enrollment of the members of the respective bands and families shall be made by the officers of the United Y¤>Vi¤¤· States: Provided, That so much of this sum as the President of the United States shall direct, not exceeding five thousand dollars per year, Amount re- may be reserved from the above sum, and applied to agriculture, educa- ’°“’°d· tion, the purchase of goods, powder, lead, &c., for their use, and to such other beneficial purposes, calculated to promote the prosperity and happiness of"the said Chippewa Indians, as he may prescribe. Amgmy fo, éxnpxpga IV. And fprpher fconsideraldon of 'theffpregoiplg cppsipné past offences. an o e1r promise a s am rom suc ac s in u ure, e D1 e States avree that the said Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewa Indians bball not he held liable to punishment for past offences. And in Soo PMp·50- order to make compensation to the injured parties_for the depredations committed by the S31d Indians on the goods of certain British and American traders at the mouth of Red Lake River, and for exactions forcibly levied by them on the proprietors of the steamboat plying on the Red A ,,,,,,,,;,,,,0,, River, and to enable them to pay their just debts, the United States for tiirmer doors- agree to appropriate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars; it being d“t'°'{°‘ h understood and agreed that the claims of individuals for damages or debt mglalzlsgtggf under this article shall be ascertained and audited, in consultation with the chiefs of said bands by a commissioner or commissioners appointed by S,,,, Amend. the President of the Uriited States, and that after such damages and debts ment, Postp-46- shall have been paid, the residue of the above sum shall be distributed _ _ amoncr the chiefs. Furthermore the sum of two thousand dollars shall { épp'%l;§’“12gn be expended for powder, lead, twine, or such other beneficial purposes as <> pow , d, . . . . . &e. tlgetlphifgfstmay reqpest, to be equitably distributed among the said bands a e rs paymen . A1>p¤‘¤priMi¤¤ Aarionn V. .To encourage and aid the chiefs of said bands in preserv- 3333:%;:gi ing- order and inducing, by their example and advice, the members. of its etciviuzed their respective bands to adopt the habits and pursuits of civilized life, 1**9 there shall be paid to each of the said chiefs annually, out of the annuities of the said bands a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars to be determined by their agents according to their respective merits. And for the better promotion of the above objects, a further sum of five hundred dollars shall be paid at the first payment to each of the said chiefs to _ enable him to build for himself a house. Also the sum of five thousand Lggghrfziigram dollars shall be appropriated by the United Stdtes for cutting out a road Red Lake. from Leech Lake to Red Lake. Bo¤rd_ofvi¤it— Aarrenn V1. The President shall appoint a board of visitors,to con- °"fi *h°“' *‘5' sist of not less than two nor more than three persons, to be selected p°mtmm’ um from such Christian deno 'nations as he may designate who e duty it 3, , IDI , S p y shall be to attend at all annuity payments of the said Chippewa Indians, to inspect their fields and other improvements, and to report annually thereon on or before the Erst day of November, and also as to the qualifications and moral deportment of all persons residing upon the reservation under the authorit of law; and the shall receive for their services Y Y tive dollars a day for the time actually employed, and ten cents per mile for travelling expenses: Provided, That no one shall be paid in any one year for mdre than twenty days’ service, or for more than three hundred miles’ travel. ,.§l!g';*“;’_;_" ARTICLE VII. The laws of the United States now in force, or that y:{l,,,,,d_p may hereafter be enacted, prohibiting the introduction and sale of spirituous liquors in the Indian country, shall be in full force and efect
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