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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/698

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670 TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWA INDIANS. OGTOBEE 2, 1863. GEORGE A. CAMP, Major 8th Regiment Min. Vol. WILLIAM T. ROGKWOOD, Ca t. Co. K, " “ P. B. Dllivr, Capt. Co. L, Ist Regt. Min. M. Rangers. G.·M. DWELLE, 2d Lieut. Sd Minn. Battery. F. RIEGER, Surgeon 8th Regt. M. Vols. L. S. KIDDER, lst Lieut. Co. L, 1st M. M. Rangers. SAM. B. AEEE. C. A. KUFFER. PIERRE x BOTTINEAU. Ratiticatirm And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of xg;*t:m°¤d‘ the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on ' the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, advise M,.-ch,1,1g64, and consent to the ratification of the same by a resolution with amendments in the words and figures following, to wit:- IN EXECUTIVE SEssION SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, March 1, 1864. Resolved, (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the “Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at the Old Crossing of Red Lake River, in the State of Minnesota, on the second day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, between the United States of America, by their commissioners, Alexander Ramsey and Ashley C. Morrill, agent for the Chippewa. Indians, and the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewas, by their chiefs, headmen, and warriors," with the following AMENDMENTS: Amendments. In article 4, strike out in lines 19, 20, and 21, the following words: Lame, p. 44. *‘ and that after such damages and debts shall have been paid, the residue of the above sum shall be distributed among the chiefs." At the end of article 4, insert the following:- Appyogrigfion Provided, That no part of the sum of one hundred thousand dollars of 3S10Q, 00, how shall be appropriated or paid to make compensation for damages or for m be disposed °£ the payment of any debts owing from said Indians until the said commissioner or commissioners shall repgrt each case, with the proojs thereon, lo the Secretary of the Interior, to be submitted lo Congress, with his opinion thereon, for its action ; and that, ajler such damages and debts shall have been paid, the residue of said sum shall be added lo the annuity funds of said Indians, to be divided equalh; upon said annuities. At the end of article 8, insert the following: -— Y _ Provided, That no scrip shall be issued under the provisions of this 1%%; ""P t° article, and no assignments shall be made of any right, title, or interest Assignments_ at law or in equity until a patent shall issue, and no patent shall be patents,&c. issued until due proof ofyive years’ actual residence and cultivation, as required by the act entitled "An act to secure homesleads on the ublic domain." p Attest: J. W. FORNEY, Secretary. Ameudmem And whereas the foregoing amendments having been fully interpreted Assentedto and explained to May-dwa-gua-no-nind, Mons-0-mo, Ase-e—ne-wub, Mis- AP"l12·18°°" co-muk-quah, Naw-gon-e-gwo-nabe, Que—we-zance, May-zha-ke-osh, Bwaness, Wa-bon—e-qua—osh, Te-bish-eo·ge—shick, Tc-hesh-co-be-ness, Osh-shay- o·sick, Sa-sa-go_h·cum-ick-ish-cum, Kay-tush-ke-wub-e-tung, I-inge-e- gaun·abe, and Que-we·zance-ish, chiefs, headmen, and warriors of the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indians, they did, in articles