694 TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWA INDIANS. MAY 7, 1864,. of Goose Lake, thence due east to a point due south from the intersection of the Pokagomin reservation and the Mississippi River, thence on the dividing line between Deer River and lakes and Masbkordens River and lakes, until a point is reached north of the firsunamed river and lakes; thence in a direct line northwesterly to the outlet of Two Routs Lake, then in a southwesterly direction to Turtle Lake, thence southwesterly to the head water of Rice River, thence northwesterly along the lirie of the Red Lake reservation to the mouth of Thief River, thence down the centre of the main channel of Red Lake River to a point op osite the mouth of Black River, thence southeasterly in a direct line with libc outlet of Rice Lake to a point due west from the place of beginning, thence to the lace of bevinnin . Axizrrouz III. In gonsideration of the foregoing oession to the United _ _ States, and the valuable improvements thereon, the United States further ex·;;'5‘;g‘E_fr*‘gel;° agree, first, to extend the present annuities of the. Indians, parties to this yam, treaty, for ten years beyond the periods respectively namedin existing Payments iew· treaties; second, and to pay towards the settlement of the claims for dep-
- lf‘$;°“lf¥z€¤* redations committed by said Indians in 1862, the sum of twenty thousand
and ,§;°j,°°d$I§·g_ dollars; third, to the chiefs of the Chippewas of the Mississippi, ten thousand dollars, to be paid upon the ratification of this treaty; and five thousand dollars to the plhéef Hole-in-the-day, for depredations committed in burning his house an urniture in 1862. Payments for ARTICLE IV. The United States further agree to pay seven thousand 9l¢=¤‘¤¤S;&¤·»l<>*¤ five hundred ($7,500) dollars for clearing. stomping, grubbing, breaking, 1*] ms°“m°n' and planting, on the reservation hereby set apart for the Chippewas of the Mississippi, in lots of not less than ten acres each, at such point or See Art. xiv. points as the Secretary of the Interior may select, as follows, viz: For the Gull Lake band, seventy (70) acres ; for the Mille Lac band, seventy (70) acres; For the Sandy Lake band, fifty (50) acres; for the Pokagomin band, fifty (50) acres; for the Rabbit Lake band, forty (40) acres; for the Rice Lake band, twenty (20) acres; and to expend five thousand Hons,-,8 for- dollars ($5,000) in building for the chiefs of said bands one house each, ¤l¤l¤*'¤· under the direction of the Secreta of the Interior. Ox;m,p]0¤g·h5, ARTICLE V. The United State; agree to furnish to said Indians, par- 9116 ¤S*i¢¤lW¤’¤l ties to this treat , ten (10) oke of ood stead work oxen, and twenty implements to be • y y 5 y . furnished_ log chains annually for ten years, provided the Indians shall take proper care of and make proper use of the same; also for the same period annulalllytgtwo hundripd ((201O)(1g)161;bbing liocséltgn pl0ugh§,·ten grin s nes, one un re axes, an e , no excee in weig three and one half pounds each, twenty (20) spades, and other farming Carpenters iimplements, provided ip shall not amount todmore Elianksfiftepn hutpdlred · ’ _ dollars in one ear; aso two enter an two ac mit s an our libiiligfdihsphgr- farm laborers, dbd one physiciarizjulp S, , °i°i¤¤· Anrrcnn VI. The United States further agree to pay annually one Sew-mill- thousand dollars ($1000) tbwards the support of a saw·mill to be built for the common use of the Chippewas of the Mississippi and the Red Lakeand Pembina bands of Chippewa Indians, so long as the President of the Road, bridges, United States may deem it necessary ; and to expend in building a road, &<=· bridges, &c., to their new agency seven thousand five hundred dollars Buildings. ($7,500) ; and to expend for new agency buildings to be located by the Secretary of the Interior for the common use of the Chippewas of the Mississiprg, lie?) Lake, and Pembina, and Pilliger ang (Like shish ban s o hi ewa Indians, twenty-five thousand dollars , . Board or visit— Anrxcrn VII. There shall be 5. boarbd of visitors to consist of not less g;’aE;’n3€:tP'°“:{* than two nor more than five persons, to be selected from such Christian m,,,,t,_,,gkl;°;n. denomination or denominations as the chiefs in council may designate, spectiou, and whose duty it shall be to be present at all annuity payments to the In- '°P°'°““““uY‘ dians, whether of goods, moneys, provisions, or other articles, and to inspect the fields, buildings, mills, and other improvements made or to be