TREATY WITH HONDURAS. JULY Q, 1864. 709 gages, in conjunction with Honduras, 6 injusta contiscacion de cualquiera to protect the same from interrup— parte que proceda. tion, seizure, or nmjust confiscation, from whatsoever quarter the attempt may proceed. 3. Nevertheless, the United States, 3°. No obstante, debe entenderse Protection and in according its protection to the said que al oonceder el gobierno de los g‘?f£“*Y ‘““Y l’° route or road, and guaranteeing its Estados Unidos su proteccion y gar— m mm neutrality and security when com- antia sobre la neutralidad de la ruta, pleted, always understand that this es con la oondicion de que la retiprotection and guarantee are grant- rara si las personas que oomponen ed conditionally, and may be with- la compaiiia adoptan 6 estahlecen drawn if the United States should regulaciones concernientes al trafico, deem that the persons or company contrarias al espiritu é intencion de undertaking or managing the same este artfculo, ya sea haciendo distinadopt or establish such regulations ciones en favor de alguna nacion 6 concerning the traihc thereupon as naciones, 6 sobre el comercio de alare contrary to the spirit and inten- guna de ellas, imponiendo exacciones tion of this article, either by making opresivas sobre los pasageros, buunfair discriminations in favor of the ques, efectos, mercancfas 6 artfculos. commerce of any nation or nations Pero el gobierno de los Estados over the commerce of any other na- Unidos, no retirara dicha. protecciou tion or nations, or by imposing op- y garantia, sin dar aviso al de Houpressive exactions or unreasonable l duras seis meses antes. tolls upon passengers, vessels, goods, wares, merchandise, or other articies. The aforesaid protection and guarantee shall not, however, be withdrawn by the United States without first giving six months` notice to the Republic of Honduras. ARTICLE xv. ARTICUL0 xv. The present treaty shall be rati- El presente tratado sera ratidcado, Rutitications, tied, and the ratifications shall be ylas ratiiicaciones cambiadas en Co- XE if b° °*· exchanged at Comayagua within the mayagua en el término de un ano, 6 g° ' space of one year, or sooner if pos- antes si posible fuese. sible. In witness whereof, the respective En fé de lo cual, los respectivos Signatures. plenipotentiaries have signed the plenipotenciarios han iirmadoelpresame, and have aiiixed thereto their sente, selléndolo con sus sellos rerespective seals. spectivos. Done at Comayagua this fourth Hecho en la ciudad de Comay- day of July, in the year of our Lord agua, el dia. cuatro de J ulio, del aiio one thousand eight hundred and de nuestro Seior mil ochoeientcs sixty-four. sesenta y cuatro. THOS. H. CLAY. [L. s.] M. COLINDRES. EL. s.} M. COLINDBES. [L. s.] THOS. H. CLAY. 1.. s. And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratiiications of the same were exchanged at Tegucngalpa on the fifth day of May last: _ Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereot; may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof von. xm. Tamr.-— 60
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