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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/739

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TREATY WITH HAYTI. Novmmsmz 3, 1864.. 711 Treaty of Amity, Omnmerce, and Navigation, and for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals, between the United States of America and the Republic of Hcayti ; Ozmcluded and Signed at Port-au-Prince, November 3, 1864 ; Rat@d by the President of the United States, Mag 18, 1865 ; Rmfedims Esccbanged at Washington, Mag 22, 1865; Praclaimed by the President of the United States, ./rub; 6, 1865. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Nov. 3, 1864. A PROCLAMATION. Wmznizns a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, and for the P¥¤¤ml>l°· extradition of fugitive criminals, between the United States of America and the Republic of Hayti, was concluded and signed at Port-au-Prince, on the third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, which treaty, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows :— The United States of America La République d’Haiti et· les q°"¤'°°*j¤8 and the Republic of Hayti, desiring Etats Unis de l’Amérique, désirant PMNs' to make lasting and firm the friend- rendre durables et solides Pamitié ship and good understanding which et la bonue entente, qui regnent happily prevail between both na- heureusement entre les deux nations tions, and to place their commercial et asseoir leurs relations commerciarelations upon the most liberal basis, les sur les bases les plus libérales, have resolved to tix, in a manner ont résolu de Iixer d’une maniere clear, distinct, and positive, the rules claire, nette, et positive, les regles qui which shall, in future, be religiously devront étre, a l’avenir, religieuseobserved between the one and the ment, suivies, entre 1’une et Pauother, by means of a treaty of amity, tre, au moyen d’un traité d’amitié, commerce, and navigation, and for de commerce et de navigation, ainsi the extradition of fugitive criminals. que d’extradition de criminels fu- 'tifs. For this purpose they have ap- gl Dans ce but, ils out appointé pour _ Pleuipotentiapointed as their plenipotentiaries, to leurs plénipotentiaires, a savoir: le “°“‘ wit: the President of the United Président d’I-Iaiti, le Sieur Boyer States, Benjamin F. Whidden, com- Bazelais, chef d’escadron, son aidemissioner and consul-general of the de-camp et son secrétaire; et le United States to the Republic of President des Etats Unis, le Sieur Hayti; and the President of Hayti, Benjamin F. Vifhidden, commissaire Boyer Bazelais, chef d’escadron, his et consul-general des Etats Unis aide-de·camp and secretary, who, pres la. République d’Haiti; lesafter a reciprocal communication of quels, apres une mutuelle communitheir respective full powers, found cation de leurs pleins pouvoirs rein due and proper form, have agreed spectifs, trouvés en bonne et due to the following articles :— forme, sont convenus des articles ciapres:— ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 1. Them 8},3]] be a perfect, firm, Il y aura paix parfaite, solide, et Peace and unity. and inviolable peace and sincere inviolable, et amité sincere entre la