TREATY WITII HAYTI. NOVEMBER 3, 1864. 729 up its own citizens under the pro- sera tenue, par ce traité, de delivrer visions of this treaty. ses propres citoyens. ARTICLE XLII. ARTICLE XLII. The present treaty shall remain Le present traité demeurera en Treaty, how in force for the term of eight years, vigueur pendant l’espace de huit }°”g *° "°m“i“ h' dating from the exchange of ratifi- années a partir de la date de 0m` cations; and if one year before the l’echange des ratincations; et, si, expiration of that period neither of un an avant Pexpiration de cette·pé- the contracting parties shall have riode, ni l’une ni l’autre des parties given notice to the other of its in- contractantes ne notifie a l’autre son tention to terminate the same, it intention d’y mettre fin, le dit traité shall continue in force, from year to continuera at etre en vigueur d’anyear, until one year after an official nee en année, jusqu’au terme d’une notihcation to terminate the same, annee apres notification officielle as aforesaid. faite en vue d’y mettre hn, comme il est dit plus haut. ARTICLE XLIII. ARTICLE XLIII. The present treaty shall be sub- Le present traite sera, des deux Ratiiicatmns, mitted on both sides to the approv- cotes, soumis 5. Yapprobation et a la 22*;;* ;‘éb° °x' al and ratincation of the respective ratification des autorites compétentes g ` competent authorities of each of the respectives de chacune des parcontracting parties, and the ratifica· ties contractantes, et les ratifications tions shall be exchanged at Wash- seront échangees aWasl1ington, dans ington within six months from the les six mois at partir de cette date, date hereof, or sooner, if possible. ou plustot, si c’est possible. In faith whereof the respective En foi de quoi, les plenipotenplenipotentiaries have signed the tiaires respectifs ont signe les artiforegoing articles, in the English cles ci-dessus,rediges tant en anglais and French languages, and they qu’en frangais,ety0nt appose leurs have hereunto aflixed their seals. sceaux. ` Done, in duplicate, at the city of Fait double, en la ville du Port- Port—au-Prince, this third day of au-Prince, le troisieme jour de No- November, in the year of our Lord vembre, de 1’année de Notre Seigone thousand eight hundred and neur mil huit cent soixante quatre. sixty-four. B. F. WHIDl)EN. [L.S.] BOYER BAZELAIS. [L.S.J Signatures. BOYER BAZELAIS. [Ins.] B. F. WHIDDEN. [_L.s._] And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same have been exchanged:. Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANDREW JOHNSON, President Exchange of of the United States, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to ¥¤*~ifi¤¤ti0¤¤· the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereofi In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this sixth day of July, in the year of our LO1'd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the [L. S.] Independence of the United States of America the ninetieth. ANDREW JOHNSON By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
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