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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/768

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740 APPENDIX. No. 13. Feb. 18, 1864. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. `Wnmznas, by my proclamation of the nineteenth of April, one thousand vo}. gn, p. .1253, eight hundred and sixty-one, the ports of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas were, for masons therein set forth, pgaced under blockade; and whereas, the port of Brownsville, in the district of razos Santiago, in the State of Texas, has since been blockaded, but as the blockade of said port may now be safely relaxed with advantage to the interests of commerce: Blockegle of Now, therefore, he it known that I, ABRAHAM L1Nc0LNhfI;;esident of the Br¤W¤¤v` ¢ tv United States, pursuant to the authority in me vested by the section of the

“°8;‘° fu act of congress, approved on the 13th of July, 1861, entitled "An act further

1221 0L_ 3 §5_ to provide for the collection of duties on imports, and for other purposes," do Vo].,xii. pl 257. hereby declare that the blockade of the said port of Brownsville shall so {ar cease and determine from and after this date,_that commercialintercourse with said port, except as bi;) persons, things, and iulformationf hlerematteg gpcciiied, may from this ate, carried on subject to the laws 0 the United States to the regulations pjrescribed by the Secretary of the Treasuxiy, and, until the rebellion shall have een sup ressed, to such orders as ma e promulgated by the eneral commandinv the department, or by an officer duly authorized by him and gommanding at said port. This proclamation does not authorize or allow the Certain ship- shipment or conveyance of persons in, or intending to enter, the service of the in- ¤¤¤¤*¤r &°·» ¤°* surgents, or of things or infomation intended for their use, or for their aid or com- °·H°w°d' fort, nor, except upon the permission of the Secretary of War, or of some officer LM of pm duly authorized by him, of the following prohibited articles, namely: cannon, mor- . ·tars firearms pistols bombs grenades powder saltpetre, sulphur balls bullets mbmd amclw pikes, swords; boardihgcaps; (always excepting tlhe quantity of the said article; which may•be necessary for the defence 0 the s ip and those who compose the crev;3 saddles, bridles, cartridge-bag material, percussion and other caps, clothin apted for uniforms sailcloth of all kinds hemp and cordage intoxicatin drinks, other than beer alnd light native wines., , g Licenses to To vessels clearing from foreign ports and destined to the port of Brownsville, vessels irom o ened by this proclamation, licenses will be granted by consuls of the United fvreisu P°¤`t¤· Sptates upon satisfactory evidence that the vessel so licensed will convey no r- sons, property, or information excepted or prohibited above, either to or fgdm the said port; which licenses shall be exhibited to the collector of said port immediately on arrival, and, if required, to any officer in charge of the blockade; and on leaving said port every vessel will be uired to have a clearance from _ _ ipe collector of the customs, according to lawfeelnowing no violation of the con- V¤9l¤¤<>¤ of 'tions of the license. Any violations of said conditions will involve the forfeit- $;’;_‘£tlg1P,.;,?m ure and condemnation of the vessel and cargo, and the exclusion of all parties ' concerned from any further privilege of entering the United States during the war for any purpose whatever. In all respects, except as herein slpecided, the existing blockade remains in full force and effect as itherto estab xshed and maintained nor is it relaxed by this proclamation except in regard to the port to which relaxation is or has been axpgessly applied. witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to he affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this efhteenth day of February, in the [I;. S.] year of our Lord one thousand eight undred and sixty-four, and of the ndependence of the United States the eiglhg-eivhth. B th PN _ nineu Lmcomv. Y 0 sxdent : Wrmmur H. Szwnm, Secretary of State.