754 APPENDIX. Cherrystone, Yorktown, and Petersburg, in Virginia; of Camden, (Elizabeth City,) Edenton, Plymouth, Washington, Newbern, Ocracoke, and Wilminvton, in North Carolina; of Charleston, Georgetown, and Beaufort, in South Caro-` lina; of Savannah, St. Mary’s, and Brunswick, (Darien,) in Georgia`; of Mobile, in Alabama; of Pearl River, (Shieldsborough,) Natchez, and Vicksburg, in Mississippi; of St. Augustine, Key West, St. Mark’s, (Port Leon,) St. John’s, (Jacksonville,) and Apalachicola, in' Florida; of Teche, ggranklin,) in Louisiana; of Galveston, La Salle, Brazos de Santi 0, (Point abe1,) and Brownsville, in Texas, are hereby closed, and all rizglit of importation, warehousing, and other privileges, shall, in respect to the ports aforesaid, cease until they shall have again been opened by order of the President; and if} while said ports are so closed, any ship or vessel from beyond the United States, or having on board any articles subject to duties, shall attempt to enter any such port, the same, together with its tackle, apparel, furniture, and cargo, shall be forfeited to the United States. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, in the year [1... s.] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the Independence of the United {States of America the eight -ninth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: WILMAM H. SEWABD, Secretary of Stare. No. 30. ANU U-, 1865 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PRO CLAMATION. WHEREAs, by my Proclamation of this date, the port of Key West, in the State of Florida, was inadvertently included among those which are not open to commerce: Port of Key Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ABRAHAM Lmcomz, President of the Wm to remain United States, do hereby declare and make known that the said port of Key °P°¤· West is and shall remain open to foreign and domestic commerce upon the same conditions by which that commerce has there hitherto been governed. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, in the year [L. s.] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tive, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of Stale. No. 31. Avril 11, 1865. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. WHEREAS, for some time past, vessels of war of the United States have been refused, in certain forei n rts, privileges and immunities to which they were entitled by treaty, public llativ, or the comity of nations, at the same time that vessels of war of the country wherein the said privileges and immunities have been withheld have enjoyed them fully and uninterrupted1y in ports of the United_States, which condition of things has not always been forcibly resisted by the United States, although, on the other hand, they have not at any time failed to protest against and declare their dissatisfaction with the same; Rand whereas] in the view of the United States, no condition any longer exists w ich