Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/791

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APPENDIX. 763 N0. 40. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: ·l¤¤° 13, 1865 A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by my Proclamation [Executive order] of the twenty-ninth of Preamble. April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all restrictions upon internal, P°”» P· 776- domesmc, and commercial intercourse, with certain exceptions therein specified and·set forth, were removed “ in such arts of the States of Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Eeor ia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and so much of Louisiana as lies east of the hlississippi River, as shall be embraced within tbe lines of national military occupation "; And whereas, by my Proclamation of the twenty-second of May, one thou- Ante, p. 757. sand eight hundred and sixty-five, for reasons therein given, it was declared that certain ports of the United States which had been previously closed against foreign commerce, should, with certain specified exceptions, be reopened to such commerce on and after the Erst day of July next, subject to the laws of the United States, and in pursuance of such regulations as might be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; And whereas I am satisfactorily informed that dangerous combinations against the laws of the United States no longer exist within the State of Tennessee; that the insurrection heretofore existing within said state has been suppre sed; that within the boundaries thereof the authority of the United States is undisputed, and that such officers of the United States as have been duly commissioned are in the undisturbed exercise of their ofHcial functions : Now, therefore, be it known, that I, Aumzmw JOHNs0N, President of the Restrictions on United States, do hereby declare that all restrictions upon internal, domestic, tfqdq, QKSE of Nw and coastwise intercourse and trade, and upon the removal of products of states M‘”‘f‘Pl“· rg heretofore declared in insurrection, reserving and excepting only those relating 3:; 0E:;';: to contraband of war, as hereinafter recited, and also those which relate to the cspged, reservation of the rights of the United States to property purchased in the territory of an enemy, heretofore imposed in the territory of the United States east of the Mississippi River, are annulled, and I do hereby direct that they be forthwith removed; and that, on and after the first day of July next, all restrictions u on foreign commerce with said ports, with the exception and reservation aihresaid, be likewise removed; and that the commerce of aid states shall be conducted under the su ervision of the regularly appointed officers of the customs provided by law; and) such officers of the customs shall receive any captured and abandoned property that may be turned over to them, under the law, by the military or naval forces of the nited States, and dispipse of such property as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. he following articles contraband of war are excepted from the effect of this Proclamation: arms, ammunition, all articles from which ammunition is made, and gray uniforms and cloth. , And I hereby also proclaim and declare that the insurrection, so far as it T;,°;m,um,,,_ relates to and within the Staterof Tennessee, and the inhabitants of the said State tion in Tennesof Tennessee as reorganized and constituted under their recently adopted con- $**8 declared SUP- stitution and reor amzation, and acce ted by them, is suppressed; and there- P'°““°d· fore, also, that all; the disabilities andpdisqualilications attaching to said state and the inhabitants thereof consequent upon any proclamations issued by virtue of the fifth section of the acf entitled "An act further to provide for the col- 186], ch, 3_ lecticn of duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved the thirteenth Vbl. p. 257. day of July, one thousand eight hundred an sixty-one, are removed. But nothing herein contained shall be considered or construed as in any wise penalties, &c_, changing or impairing any of the penalties and forfeitures for treason heretofore for treason not incurred under the laws of the United States. or any of the provisions, restric- ¤mP¤¤'¢d- tions, or disabilities set forth in my Proclamation bearing date the twenty-ninth Fame, pm],. day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, or as impairing existing mations, &c., to regulations for the suspension of the habeas corpus, and the exercise o military be in f<>¤`<=¤· law in cases where it shall be necessary for the general public safety and wellare during the existing insurrection; nor shall this Proclamation afect, or in Am, P_ y58_ any way impair, any laws heretofore passed by congress, and duly approved by ' the President, or any proolamations or orders issued by him during the afore— said insurrection, abolishing slavery, or in any way affecting the relations of