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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/798

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770 APPENDIX. well as chief civil executive odiccr of the Uhitad States, and is bound by solemn oath faithfully to execute the 0Hica of President of the United States, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and whereas the rebellion, which has been waged by a. portion of the people of the United States against the properly constituted authorities of the government thereof, in the most violent and revoking form, but whose organized and armed forces have now been almost entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progress, deprived the people of the State of South Carolina of all civil government; and whereas it becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the obligations of the United States m the people 0 South Carolina, in securing them in the enjoyment of a republican form 0 ovemmentz Provisional Nowvghercforc, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me governor ap- by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of cuabhng the poinrqd for South loyal people of said state to organize a state government, whereby justice C°'"°Im’· may be established, domestic tranquillity insured, and loyal citizens protected in all their rights of life, liberty, and property, I, Axmuzw Jouxsox, President of the énited States, and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, do hereby appoint Bcxfamin F. Perry, of South Carolina, His glutyand provisional governor of the State of S0ut{1 Carolina, whose duty it shall be, ““*h°mY- at the earliest practicable period, to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for convening a convention, composed of delegates to be chosen by that portion of the people of said state who arc loyal to the United States, and no others, for the purpose of altering or amending the constitution thereof; and with authority to exercise, within the limits of said state, all the powers necessary and proper to enable such loyal lpoople of the State of South Carolina to restore said state to its oonstitutiona relations to the federal government, and to present such a. re ublican form of state government as will entitle the state to the guarantee of the United States therefor, and its people to protection by the United States against invasion, insurrection, Qualiticatiens and domestic violence; Provided that, in any election that may be hereafter 0f91€€t0TS, Md of held for choosing delegates to quy state convention as aforesaid, no person shall ‘}“’mb"fF °f the be qualified as an elector, or shall be eligible as a member of such convention, °°HV°m wu' unless he shall have previously taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President’s Proclamation of May 29, A. D., 1865, and is a voter qualified as prescr{bed by the constitution and laws of the State of South Carolina in force immediately before the seventeenth (17th) day of November, A. D. & C0¤V€¤fi0¤_» 1860, the date of the s0—ca.lIed ordinance of secession ; and the said convention,

££’c§é‘;’)‘§;‘b° whon convened, or tho legislature that may be thereafter assembled, will pregw ’ scrnbe the quznlifwation of electors, and the eligibility of persons to bold ofHcz

under the constitution and laws of the state, -— a. power the people of the several spat? composing the Izoderal Union have rightfixlly exercised from the origin 0 't c govermueut to 1: e resent time. And I do hereby dircctq- Allthe depmm First. _Tha¤ the military commander of the department, and all oticers and mmm of the persons m the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional United States governor in carrying into emacs this Proclamation, and they arc enjoined to §;’(;'$;;m$;*;it° abstain Hom, io any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging tho loyal people sional ggvmioru from the oroamzzmon of a state government as herein authorized. Second. %hat the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department, apppcable to the geographical limits aforesaid. hird. That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appointment assessom of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical limits afbresaid. In making appointments, the preference shall be given to qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties arc to be performed. But, if suitable residents of the districts shall not be found, thou persons residing in other states or districts shall be appointed. Fourth. That the Postmaster-General proceed to establish post-oflices and posfrroutes, and put into execution the postal laws of the United States within tho sand stone, gxving to loyal residents the preference of appointment; but if suitable residents are not found, then to appoint agents, &c., i3·om other states. _ That tho district judge for the judicial district En which South Carolina xg pncluded proceed to hold courts within said state, in accordance with the provisions of tpc act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct cho proper offncers to hbel, and bring to judgment, confiscation, and sado, property subject